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The forbidden fruit

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For people that now more about nutrition and food than me, I want your opinion on something.


Eating one whole av@cado in one sitting - is this a bad choice? I don't mean doing it on a regular basis, but if this done once a week say, as a snack not a meal, is it a bad choice?

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I think it would be alright to have a whole one once in a while. Even though they are pretty high in calories and fats (though healthy fats), i don't think there would be any harm.

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It's not bad. It's nutritious. But it is fattening at one sitting and knowing you will probably eat something with it.

Approx. 280 cals in a decent sized one. 27 g of fat.


That is more cals and fat than a Hersey's choco bar. 13 g in the choc.


But less empty calories.


Just be aware of what you are eating and you are fine.


I love guacamole ...mmm.

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i eat a lot of avocado. my gma used to grow them sooooo they're pretty automatic in my diet. i used to eat 2 in one sitting on a regular basis.



they're not what made me fat. what made me fat was pizza, pasta and college campus food. (and i say fat for me, since i've been 120lbs my entire life up until i got to university. i'm 5'6 and currently 140lbs -- you can be the judge)

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I have a theory (based on no science whatsoever!) that nature made serving sizes. One avocado seems like it's what a person is supposed to eat, since it gets all brown and yukky if you try to save the other portion. It's good fat, and if the rest of your diet is healthy, then I see nothing wrong with it.

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Half your RDA in dietary fiber in one avocado (201g by weight), according to this: link removed


Is it "perfect"? Probably not, but no food is, really. Not like you're snarfing down a dozen a day or anything.


On the whole, I think you could make a lot worse choices than an avocado for a snack (you'll need to use the drop down box to select the comparable serving sizes noted below):


100 g potato chips: link removed

150 g trail mix: link removed

149 g apple: link removed

132 g cheddar cheese: link removed

136 g banana: link removed

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We changed the setting. Kind of strange how often people say avocado on a relationship forum.



Oh okay.....I thought maybe some of the members got special privilages and were allowed to say avocado......avocado........avocado. LOL


Oh god, that feels good just to be able to type it out without being creative.

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Oh okay.....I thought maybe some of the members got special privilages and were allowed to say avocado......avocado........avocado. LOL


Oh god, that feels good just to be able to type it out without being creative.


"Avocado" was (is?) a naughty word?


I've been living in that cave away from the world too long again, haven't I?

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