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How Do I Act When I See Her?

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Im supposed to see my ex sometime this weekend to give some of her things back(not that she gave me to me, just some things of hers she forgot) anyways, we broke up bout over a month ago and i went NC for 3 weeks before she text me that. I was thinkin about writing a letter to express how i feel but i dont know if i should since she already knows.


anyways, when i will see her for the first time in february, im thinkin how i should act. she was pretty nasty to me when we broke up while i was still being the better person. do i not say a word and jus get my stuff and give her stuff? do i talk to her a little? or just say thanks and bye and be on my merry way. I still care alot about her u know?


i dont know, any of you have experiences where you saw your ex after awhile to meet them? how did you act? anything good come out of it? thanks!

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Say Hello. No hug, no kiss, no handshake. Without saying anything else, hand her the stuff that belongs to her. Take the stuff she hands you. Say good bye. No hug, no kiss, no handshake. And lleave.


If you could have a friend arrange the exchange it owuld be even better so that you don't even have to see your ex. Out of sight, out of mind.

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Yea just grab and run, no small talk. She may try talking but it would be best to say you are in a hurry or something and leave her hanging. It may prompt her to contact you later if you don't give her a chance to talk.


Also no notes.

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i just went through this and i listened to what everyone told me to do, which was just pick up my stuff and leave. i felt a little cold b/c people told me to act like i wasn't phased, and to even smile. i think i came off like a jack ass b/c i seemed like i was almost happy we were breaking up.


also, we never had a "break up talk" she basically blind sided me with the break up, and i just left not knowing what had just happpened. i doubt your situation is like mine, i mean literally she was like "lets break up" and i pretty much just said ok and left. i'm tellin u this b/c if your situation is anything like mine, u should spend some time hashing things out, this is your last chance to get things off your chest.


but, i dunno how that will turn out since i never did it. i can honestly see it turning into a blame-fest, and lots of excuses and defensiveness. basically what i'm saying is it all depends on ur situation. but in all instances you must avoid letting her emotionally engage you, no crying, sad faces, smiley faces, but be polite if u know what i mean. come in and say very generic things, like i never meant for any of this to happen, i still care about you, i wish you the best and leave.

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