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8 days ago, he requested we cut off communication because we needed to move on. Which is reasonable. I have felt much better not being in contact. However, in the message, he included some off-hand comments based on assumptions that obviously weren't thought out much, on his end, that have just eaten at me, in an entirely different manner. I realized standing up for myself was worth breaking it - particularly because I just don't care if he responds or not.


So, yes, I broke NC and even in a very neutral manner - lacking malice - explained why his comments were unwarranted.


Should I have sent it? In reality, it wouldn't have mattered if I did or didn't - so I suppose, no. But do I feel terrible? Not really! But I'm definitely back at square one, but at a square one I can tolerate. One where I respected myself and maybe for 2 seconds made him realize he should have bit his tongue.


I've got my fond memories and most importantly, myself. Keep on keepin' on.

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Well if he had no room to make a rude comment to you in the first place then yes you deserve to say something back. Of course his mind will wonder what you are doing without him, but blurting out assumptions to you with no back up is just rude and uncalled for.

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