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So I moved to a new area like 6 months ago, taking the bus in the morning there was this extremely hot girl there every morning.


I'm extremely extremely shy so I said nothing, after 3 months out of nowhere she asked me if I want to sit beside her I said no I'm ok (yes I'm a idiot), and then she started to talk about the weather her working out etc., I just froze like wow a hot girl is talking to me like a loser.


She talked to me a few more times just here and there and then started taking another bus. Then last week I was just on facebook adding fan pages and poof there she was, I would be looked at like the biggest stalker in the world if I added her right?

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Ya, don't add her that way.


Don't put her on a pedestal either, she may be 'hot' but she's a person. Pretend she's your long time friend, nothing else, whatever it makes you feel comfortable talking to people.


Are you this way with strangers in general or just girls?

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