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Pregnancy from pre cum during period...please help!


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I'm 24 years old. I know that this was stupid and I will never do it again, but some time ago, I was on top of my girlfriend, and my penis was touching her vaginal lips without a condom for about a minute (or slightly less), but I never entered her. I hadn't ejaculated for two days before this and urinated several times since my last ejaculation, and she was going into the third day of her period. I would think that the chances of pregnancy are pretty low, but I'm still a little worried. I had done the same thing under the same circumstances a month before while she was on top of me and there was no pregnancy as far as I could tell. This time the only variable is the fact that I was on top of her, and I'm just worried that that might have given the precum the chance that it needed to get inside her vagina and fertilize an egg. But as I said, she was on the third day of her period, and her cycle is pretty regular.


Should I be worried? Again, I know that this was not smart and I've told her that I no longer want to take the chance, small as it may be, but I'm hoping someone can say something to make me feel better. I know that there is always a chance, but if someone can at least tell me that the chance is very small, I'll stop worrying. Thanks everyone.

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dude u sound like me.... i was so worried with my ex that she was pregnant everytime we didn't use a condom... trust me, from a guy that worried WAY too much.... you're okay.... me and my ex had countless times were i worried when i shouldn't....

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I know its always said that no matter the circumstances when there is genital-to-genital contact between a man and a woman, there is always a chance pregnancy will result. There was also a minuscule, but definitely nonzero, chance that when the Large Hadron Collider in Sweden was turned on it would have called man-eating dragons into existence. Like the aforementioned dragon theory, the chances of you actually getting your girlfriend pregnant playing just-the-tip for sixty seconds are so ludicrously low that should she become pregnant, I'd suggest keeping it because the child would invariably be the second coming of the messiah.

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Dude you want to feel better? Have her take the pee test to put both of you at ease.


You can't do that for a little while, I think... three weeks?


Chance that she is pregnant is so infinitesimally small it is not worth worrying about. Like 1 in a billion chance or less.


But this^^

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