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My girlfriend still "loves" her ex. What do I do?


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Alright so the other day me and my girl were texting and I asked what she was doing and she said "arguing with my ex" so it came out of the blue but I asked why she was talking to him and she said "he contacted me a few weeks ago and said he missed me and I don't wanna be mean so I'm gonna be his friend" so I just told her that it bothered me and she said it shouldn't because nothing is gonna happen so whatever I went to sleep. The next day I let her know again that it was bothering me and asked if she still had feelings for him and she said yeah so I asked if she wanted to get over him and she said yes. So I asked her if she wanted to get over him then why would she be talking to him and she said "im not a b**** I just wanna be his friend" but then she says that she's giving him one worded answers and being mean so I told her that it made no sense for them to speak if she was going to be mean and if she was trying to get over him. So we talked about it and she said she would stop talking to him but I don't believe it because she only said that to finish talking about this another day. I'm just lost on what to do and would appreciate any advice I can get. Thanks

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I agree you should end the relationship. her attention should be on you not on her ex and the fact that it isn't is a strong signal that you should move on. It doesn't matter whether she is being mean to him or not - it is still highly inappropriate.

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If she was my GF, I'd consider her conversations with her ex a personal matter.

Trying to control her will probably bring resentment.

An ultimatum and the resolve to carry it out would be best.

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last night while we were talking I told her I wanted to end it and that she should really think about what she wants but she insisted to keep talking to eachother and said she wants to take me seriously and can't afford to lose me


I will bring it up again so thanks for replying. I appreciate it

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