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There was a Swiss guy at uni and I don't know if he was interested.. he was actually quite shy. Well we met at this dinner (for international students) and then he added everyone on facebook. On facebook chat he was asking whether I know any good sushi places, so I suggested this good Japanese place. Then he said that he will go there this wednesday and whether I want to join? So I said yes I do. So we went and have the sushi and well... he was quite boring but I had an ok time. When we had to get the bill he paid by credit card first and I handed him so cash and asked if he had change for it, and he just waved it off. So we walked around and he said thank you he had a very nice time etc, and he said thank you once again on facebook.


Later I was never really on facebook so we didn't chat. But I missed the next dinner session (it's weekly) cos I was busy, and he texted me saying that 'it was a pity you didn't come, we had really nice sushi, hope to see you next week.' I told him I was busy but then he never replied. After a while, he posted on my facebook 'tell me when you are free for lunch'. So I said next week and we met up for lunch but this time we paid separately.


After that we never really talked so I rarely bumped into him at school and I was never on facebook chat anymore. A couple of months ago I found out that he got a girlfriend.


Do you think he was ever interested in me?

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oh wow i know a swiss guy who was in japan...ur not talking about him right? lol

anyway he was obviously interested..but he wound up having a gf who's not u? did u show any interests in him ? maybe that girl is very initiative.cuz my swiss friend told me the girls in japan were all over him.haha...well why u asked something that was months away? it doesnt matter any more

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