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It's been quite a while since I posted on here last and I thought that for whatever reason I would just post about how I'm getting on. If anyone can get even a little bit of hope out of it then it's worth it.


I won't go into the ins and outs of my story, some of you may already know it but there's nothing particularly unique about it, you can always look through my old posts if you really want to know. She left me in July last year, we were living together and had been in love for 2 wonderful years. Not a word of warning, in fact when I asked in the months leading up to it all I got was reassurance. To say that I was a complete wreck is an understatement. I quit my job (which I hated anyway) and moved back to live with my parents about 100 miles away. I had one friend here, no job and spent most of my days in a trance for the first couple of months. After about 2 months I started running, just to get out the house and take my mind off of everything. I almost entirely stopped eating, not out of choice, I just had no appetite and I was so anxious it wasn't on my mind. I'd say it took a good 4 months for me to feel like I was improving at all. Anyway 6 months after the break up I finally got a job (I had been trying the whole time but as we all know it's tough to get a job these days). Since then I can't even express how much better I feel. I attribute this not only to my break up but gaining back a feeling of self worth, earning money by doing good for other people. I have met lots of new people and made some new friends, I've lost 55lbs and am in pretty good shape now. Yes, I'm still living with my parents but as soon as I can save up enough money I'll be getting my own place.


I, like most people, felt as though I would never find anyone else and would be alone forever. No matter how irrational a thought this is, and that is exactly what it is, it's part of having your heart broken. I can't say there is a happy ending yet but the other day, almost 8 months post break up, I kissed someone. To most people this isn't a big deal and really it isn't for me either but I feel a relief. She is a really nice girl but I have come to the decision that at the moment I am happy being single, I'm being a bit selfish for once. This is something that even at new years I couldn't imagine happening. I have gone back to old hobbies and even picked up some new ones. I am still young and I have learned a lot about love and about myself because of all this. There are still odd times when I think of her but it's not a thought that lingers or isn't reasonably easily pushed out of my head by something else that happens in my day.


I don't mean this to be a smug post or to be in any way rubbing my contentedness in anyone's face. In no way do I have all the answers, I just know I appreciated reading stories from people who had got their lives back on track while I was trying to do the same with mine. I received so much support from the complete strangers on this board and I am grateful for every kind word and kick up the arse.

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Dude. This is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I don't know if you remember me, but we "chatted" on here not too long ago about how we moved back in with our parents, only one friend in the new town, no job etc.


I got a job after about two months but only now does it finally distract me and I finally feel like I'm making some friends.


I'm so happy for you.

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Have been wondering about you bravestar recently, was concerned but figured you were doing your stuff. Really nice to read this. You are not smug at all. I am probably in a similar place to you right now but the way you wrote that is just fantastic. I wish you much happiness. Who leaves people like you - you spend months trying (and succeeding over time) to get over it and write something like this, doesn't it make you wonder if they were really worth you? I am on 7 months and still feel her presence every day and remember the things we went through but she ignores me. Moved on, but wow what a lesson. You will find someone amazing bravestar but only when you want to. No pressure.



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i am starting running this week... when the x and split.. the first thing i did was start exercising again.


it so helps the mind.


how far are you running?


i've always biked, swam.. running never did it for me. i remember an ex-gf said running allowed her to run away from the problems.. i see runners where i live..and i want to be one.


the coolest part.. a good co-worker is a running freak.. and he says... (dude) i have a runners body..


so we'll see.

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