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I feel pretty sure about being paragnostic.Any pro's/contra's (reasons) about if it even exists?

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Oh I see. You mean belief in the paranormal. So you are saying you believe you may have a 6th sense? Or you are wondering about believing in it in general?


Honestly, it's hard to say whether I believe in that sort of thing or not. I've heard a lot from both sides, but I'm going to have to say I don't really believe it, or don't care to think about it that much, until I've seen overwhelming evidence with my own eyes.

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Extra-sensory Perception. Things like precognition, clairvoyance, telepathy etc. I'm not convinced these sorts of things exist but that is not to say that I think it is impossible. Whether or not it actually exists, what is clear to me is there are frauds out there who unfairly take advantage of the believers and give it an undeserved reputation.

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I feel al kind of things btw. When my grandmother felt to the ground again. Exactly where she got hit, in which part of the room she was standing, how long it would take to heal,.. Smaller things too like my kind of bf last weekend when he started telling me he bought a small carpet to put next to his bed. I guessed the main color right at once and I felt there was an other color two and guessed it right from the first time. And even smaller things like songs I start thinking of right before I enter the shop and then I hear it. Exactly connecting the right part of the song as how far it went through my head. Or things like I want to just make a walk and then I feel I need to walk in a certain way to see someone I've never seen there before and it happens.

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The hour during a whole week it litterairy could have been taking place I felt a cemetry took place at that moment. I felt confused about the way. I felt there was something with a small box and took very long till I felt sure about if he got burried or burned. I felt burned but still didn't know what the box had to do with it. Till he answered me afterwards it was something new; burned and then put in a box under the ground.

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I dont know how much of it I believe. I believe that many people are much more sensitive to emotional cues than others. They can read into peoples facial characteristics and the vibe into a room and just "get" things.


In Malcolm Gladwells book "Blink" he talked about a man who could take a look at a photo and describe a tribe of people and their habits and belief systems to a tee just by looking at their facial expressions.


Maybe being clairvoyant is simply being hyper-sensitive in this way. I would be willing and even happy to believe that. For some reason hearing people have abilities like that makes me believe that there is a balance in the world. So i'm keeping my fingers crossed that you are the next mind-freak. lol.

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