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How long to lose weight?

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I know the true answer is it varies, but can someone give me a general indication on how long it takes to lose 50-60 lbs.? See I gained 50 is 6 months due to meds, and the rest has slowly attached itself. I would like to fit into my cute clothes again. I lost 3/4 of a lb. since yesterday. Not fabulous but it's something.


I have so much to lose it's daunting. How do you stay motivated?

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Ideally 1~2 lbs a week of healthy fat loss. Don't focus on the weight in numbers. It's the worst thing you can do as numbers fluctuate daily depending on the food intake, water, etc etc. If you're truly looking to look good and healthy at the same time, I'd pay more attention to your body fat (calipers, etc) and focus on how you 'feel'.


Find what interests you whether it'd be learning new recipes, activities, hobbies and surrounding yourself with the 'goods'.

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The most that is realistic for you to expect to lose is about 2 pounds/week. Since you have quite a bit to lose, it's likely that your weight loss may be faster at first (maybe 3-4 pounds a week), and then slow down. To lose 50-60 lbs, I would give myself at least 6 months (26 weeks), if not 9 months, given that the first few pounds will come off a lot faster than the last ones.


How to stay motivated:

- weighing yourself weekly so that you see results

- taking measurements and/or pictures so you can visualize your progress

- giving yourself rewards at weight loss intervals: one for the 5 lbs, 10 lbs, 20 lbs, one when you are halfway to your goal, one when you reach your goal

- journaling about the experience, joining a weight loss community (online or weightwatchers, for instance), so that you can have support from others who are on the same path

- losing weight/working out with a friend/buddy

- writing down why you want to lose the weight now, and revisiting your motivations when you feel yourself slipping


I've always found results to be the most motivating thing for me. As soon as I see that it's working, it's easier for me to stick to the plan. If I feel as though I am trying hard for nothing, I get lazy. So give yourself as many opportunities as you can to see results - take pictures, measurements, weigh yourself, see what clothes you can fit into (and keep a pair of skinny jeans as motivation), give yourself opportunities to see yourself getting stronger or to see yourself building up endurance if you are working out, etc ...

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Thanks for the tiimeline sidehop and the tps sophie. As for the bodybuilding link Doc - I used to be into body building because it was fast and effective, I'll consider it.


its not about just bodybuilding..there is a weight loss section...alot of questions can be answered..place to keep journal and keep track of your weight loss, goals etc...also gives ideas on diet,things to eat, different foods so you dont get bored eating the same things over and over..alot of info to take in

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Jetta, You got great info so far.

Staying motivated is the hard part. The reasons you put on the extra pounds is important. If it was a medical condition and if you are off the meds and IF your eating habits haven't changed since before the meds you should be able to loose the weight no problem. Portion size is the biggest thing I see people have trouble with. They simply eat way more at one sitting than they should be. It isn't always what you eat, but how much. Finding low calorie snacks to get you through the day helps a lot. I keep a jar of dry roasted mixed nuts; peanuts, soybeans,sunflower seeds and Raisins on my desk for a quick snack when I feel hungry.

Just saying take in less calories than you burn is abvious. Finding a way to fit into your life is the hard part.


Good luck and I am sure you will be back in the clothes before you know it.



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