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Anyone else miss college?


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I went to college for 4 years, then I went to film school for a year, graduated with two degrees. So basically I've gone to school my whole life. Now that I'm out and working though, the pangs of nostalgia have started to sink in.


My girlfriend is just beginning college, so she regales me about her stories, Greek life, events, classes...things I sorely miss. The amount of freedom I had there, the learning atmosphere, meeting new people and partying...I miss all of that. I can't possibly be the person who feels like this.


I'm in the film industry now, so it's not terribly different. I meet people all the time on set, in mixers, events and Hollywood parties. Nevertheless, it's still nothing like college. And since Asher Roth came out with that catchy song, "I love college," it's only made things worse.


I mean, how do you cope with post-collegiate life? It's definitely nothing like being on campus. My friends back home work 9-5 jobs and only live for the weekend. It's depressing. I realize there's a time when you have to grow up. You can't go to school forever. But I feel like I'm missing out on life now.


How do you cope?

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I still remember it took me six months to get out of the whole study mode, it felt weird being home at 5:30pm and trying to figure out what to do with all that time.


In many ways I don't miss it. But as far as the education goes, I'd probably want to go back part time in the near future but just not the same hectic schedule now that I have a family.

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It sucks.. almost 2 years later I STILL miss it!!!


The way I cope is by still hanging out with my friends from college... and setting up a move so that we all can be close by again.... I see them every weekend now which is really nice, and I'm able to bring back good "college" memories...


Nothing will beat being surrounded by people your own age constantly, and being able to hang out with anyone at anytime!!! Now people can only hang out during the weekends typically, and it really makes my weekdays boring...


In short- I miss it, but I also need to grow up

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Yeah, I really enjoyed college & definitely miss it. You could always attend events with your gf, but I think that would make me feel like an outisder, and old!!


Maybe take night classes or go back for your master's? I'm always wanted to go back for my master's, but I've gotten used to a pay check & really don't want to pay money to go to school while simultaneously not making any.


Or maybe you could get a position as an instructor or something at a college.

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