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So in the last 3 weeks of my life, shortly after my praised affection for my dedicated efforts during Valentines Day for a crush I have in another country. Also recently after serious hard work I accomplished a hard to get job inside of the military. After posting some pictures and captions of my success I started receiving comments and congrats. Shortly one by one messages from my ex's came in congratulating me and saying they hope we can be friend. EVERY SINGLE ONE...I am currently 20 and every ex since I was 14 has contacted me! Not exaggerating, literally every ex.


Should I reply to these? They all left me, and afterward they all asked me back, but I turned down. In my mind I believe if someone will leave you once they will leave you again. The last ex was ended in July of 2008 which lasted a year. I'm just not sure if I should get into the conversations. I replied to an ex a month or two ago, and have fully regretted it, I am nothing but a psychiatrist to her. Any opinions?

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Yeah, just be nice/courteous, maybe instead of replying to the messages one by one, just have a "Thanks everyone for the kind words" or something.


BTW if ya' don't mind me asking, what kind of job did you get? I'm currently in the application process for the military here.

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