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anyone else tired of facebook interfering?


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last weekend it was my girlfriends birthday. I put a picture of us from the party as my profile picture. when I was looking at one of my other pictures I saw an old comment from my ex (she'd been deleted along time ago) and noticed that she had switched her profile picture to her and the guy shes dating now right after I switched mine. except that picture was taken when we were still together and its a group of people posing, she just cropped them out. I think this is pathetic.


I am falling for my girlfriend so it didnt make me jealous, I just hate that my ex even though shes been deleted keeps tabs on me! remember the good old days when it was so much easier to remove someone from your life? I guarantee the majority of the people on here with facebook have had it cause a problem in a relationship too. when will we all say enough is enough and drop it?!

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Its funny how people blame facebook, myspace, yadda yadda. Its the way stupid people who use it to do devious things on it, not so much the service. Personally childishness such as this shouldn't even warrant your attention especially if you are in a relationship your into. Its like a black hole. Just delete the comment and boom problem solved. No need to dwell on her especially if she was deleted. If you have bigger issues just get rid of your account completely. Focus on the girl your with not your ex. People get way to personal on that crap and then when the problems arise its like omg whats happening.

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