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Cats that are afraid of certain food???


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So, Cairo is weird... I knew this already but I've been noticing more and more how TERRIFIED she is of certain people-food.


Ice cream: I don't let her eat it because of the dairy, but if she so much as SNIFFS it, she shoots out of the room faster than a bat out of hell

Bananas: they put her into such a panic she actually HIDES (I think this may be why she has such a hatred for superlambananas)

Popsicles: Same thing, she sprints out of the room

Kendal Mint Cakes: she got super curious, but the second she smelled it, same thing..she flung off the couch and ran into a cupboard.


...why? WHY WHY WHY?

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I have a dog who runs from the room in terror if anybody queefs... LOL!!!


Animals have such sensitive noses, that they pick up on things human's don't. I suspect your cat is just hypersensitive to smell, and if something smells gross to her, she flees!


I would certainly flee the room if someone let off a stink bomb there, and their sense of smell is so heightened, they have that same reaction to a lot of things.


But it is funny to watch!

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I have a dog who runs from the room in terror if anybody queefs... LOL!!!


Animals have such sensitive noses, that they pick up on things human's don't. I suspect your cat is just hypersensitive to smell, and if something smells gross to her, she flees!


I would certainly flee the room if someone let off a stink bomb there, and their sense of smell is so heightened, they have that same reaction to a lot of things.


But it is funny to watch!


hahahahaha, oh man that's sooo funny!!!


She has a deviated septum so can't breathe properly to begin with. I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

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Haha...cats are such characters!! There's no two alike.


My cat loves oranges, especially mandarin oranges. If I'm not careful and leave the orange peeled and sitting alone, he'll try to eat it by licking it to death.


My dog is so predictable. If he smells something good, he'll get close to you but won't touch a thing unless you give it to him.

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Wow a true scaredy-cat!


My cat is meh about people food, she LOVES to give it a good sniff, but she never goes in for a taste except for milk, ice cream, and/or cheese. If it's a dairy product...Watch Out!!


And she's mad sneaky about it too. She'll be pretending to sleep and the moment you walk out of the room she has her face in the bowl....So, I try to be mindful about leaving anything dairy unattended. She also likes chicken and tuna. One time I opened up a can of tuna and she meowed like crazy. I had never fed her tuna, so I was shocked by her reaction to me just opening up a can.


Also, mint/menthol scented items maker her go freaking bonkers and she becomes a bit aggressive. Apparently mint is part of the catnip family. My cat can take or leave catnip, but mint is a whole nother story...One day I had come home from work and there was gum pieces and gum wrappers all over the place. She had complete annihilated a fresh new pack of gum!!


Crazy heffa!

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Hey Jen. It's the smell of the food that sends her running. Most cats HATE the smell of bananas and mint is very strong to them. Most of our foods have alot of added flavor and smell to make it enticing to us, but to a cat with a super sensitive nose, it smells so strong that it stinks and it can hurt their noses, so they run away from the bad smell. She's actually quite normal in a weird way. lol

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So, Cairo is weird... I knew this already but I've been noticing more and more how TERRIFIED she is of certain people-food.


Ice cream: I don't let her eat it because of the dairy, but if she so much as SNIFFS it, she shoots out of the room faster than a bat out of hell

Bananas: they put her into such a panic she actually HIDES (I think this may be why she has such a hatred for superlambananas)

Popsicles: Same thing, she sprints out of the room

Kendal Mint Cakes: she got super curious, but the second she smelled it, same thing..she flung off the couch and ran into a cupboard.


...why? WHY WHY WHY?




my cat has an obsession with mint! spear mint, freshmint, andes mints, if it has ANY kind of mint smell, she wants it, she will literally tear into your pack of mint gum if you leave it out, toothpaste, mint candy, she will attempt to rip it all open. my husband likes to tease her by chewing mint gum, and then breathing in her face, she practically crawls into his mouth trying to get it


why? i dunno . but it's funny =^.^=

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I wonder what it is about bananas that smells so god awful to them!


Shara, that's too funny about the mint! I think Cairo would only get that excited if it was tuna flavored gum


None of my other cats have cared much about food, but Cairo apparently takes after me.

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