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havent heard from him...is he over it?


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so we met a little over a month ago. ever since we have been hanging out 2 to 3 times a week. this past week i was the one to initiate the hang out. i left this weekend for a short weekend trip with some of my girlfriends and i havent heard from him in 2 days. the night before i left we went out to dinner with my best friend and her boyfriend. everyone got along but im thinking he might be freaked out thinking i think he is my boyfriend, which i dont.


i really like him but i dont want to chase him and i refuse to be the first one to contact him. i have shown him enough that i like him without actually saying it obviously.


he hasnt contacted me since the dinner basically besides to respond to a text i sent saying i had a good time at dinner and then that was it, he neever even thought to ask how my weekend is goin or whatever


im assuming he isnt into it and either he got freaked out or once i showed i liekd him he stopped trying..


what do you think?

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there would maybe be one day that would pass but not really. i mean i know he isnt a huge texter or phone person. at least it seems that way..


but still...if he cared or liked me dont you think he would ask how my weekend is going or when ill be back or anything! i dont know i feel like he lost interest already


im wondering if i should text him asking him how his weekend went and see if he responds and if i like his response..im not going to ask him to hang out. or if i should just wait and see if he ever texts me again...


im confused..

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there would maybe be one day that would pass but not really. i mean i know he isnt a huge texter or phone person. at least it seems that way..


but still...if he cared or liked me dont you think he would ask how my weekend is going or when ill be back or anything! i dont know i feel like he lost interest already


im wondering if i should text him asking him how his weekend went and see if he responds and if i like his response..im not going to ask him to hang out. or if i should just wait and see if he ever texts me again...


im confused..


it's possible he lost interest, it happens. doesn't mean he has. wouldn't hurt to contact him one more time and see what happens. does he usually initiate contact, or do you both? how did he respond to the text about dinner?

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we have both initiaited contact its not always me,,he does too. i might text him and see what happens but i might wait like another day to see if he does first.


after i sent that text he responded in a short way saying basically he had fun too and too have a good weekend. that was it. nothing like call me when ur back or whatever, he basically responded in a very short and not very warm manner...or thats how it felt at least

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The best advice I have to pass on is this:

If a guy likes you you WILL know it. If he doesn't you will be CONFUSED.


I have a theory. If a woman knows that a guy likes her, then she will feel less attracted towards him. If she's confused and not sure if he likes her, then she'll want to find out - she'll "chase" him. I could be wrong though..

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I have a theory. If a woman knows that a guy likes her, then she will feel less attracted towards him. If she's confused and not sure if he likes her, then she'll want to find out - she'll "chase" him. I could be wrong though..


I am discovering that this is true only when the woman does not know what she wants. When she is secure in herself and knows what kind of man she wants in her life the game playing is not appreciated.

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