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A little booze and the truth comes out...

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and my issue with some of these 'social events' is that they have an impact on how you are viewed professionally! if you have too many drinks and go and do or say something stupid, you can get in trouble. (i have been!!!) i know other people who have also gotten into trouble for the most HARMLESS stuff! For example, there was someone interviewing with us and another department, and she asked a friend, 'what are the differences between the two departments' and my friend answered honestly. well, my friend got called in for a 'talking to' because she answered the question!!! i mean, that is just ridiculous. from now on, i stay away from those events, or only show up for a short amount of time.


I used to work for a company where EVERY single person in the department would interview the person looking for a job in that department...in groups of 2 or 3. The owner of the company would ask us a couple of questions in "debriefing" when deciding who got the job...the one he always harped on the most was "do they fit in with the culture of the company?" Basically meaning, will they enjoy going out and having a good time with everyone after work, and want to forego their life to spend every waking moment with their co-workers? This resulted in a work environment that was fun at first, but slowly came to feel more and more like an extended college experience. I left nearly 2 years ago, and have truly enjoyed working with adults.


Not that my co-workers and I don't socialize, but it certainly isn't 2-3 nights a week and EVERY Friday until 1-2 a.m...ouch.


It all seems like that part of "Office Space" where they say you are supposed to wear the minimum pieces of flair, and they ask why she isn't wearing more...she says "if you want us to wear more, why don't you just raise the minimum?" If it is so important for everyone to WANT to socialize with everyone else after work, then why not spell that out? Good grief.


I would be really irritated, too.

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