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Depressed, tired, unmotivated and have SO MUCH work to do....


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The title says it all I suppose. I can't get moving. I am in such an emotional funk, but I can't give into it too much because I am studying for my Master's and have an unbelievable amount of work to do. I feel overwhelmed. I wish I could just "snap out of it" as they say, but we all know it isn't that simple.


What do other people do when feeling depressed and/or unmotivated. I feel like my head is constantly in the clouds -- I can't focus and it's interfering with my studies. I just feel like staring at the ceiling and sleeping. I know that sounds bad, but I am exhausted. I don't even want to think about anything, never mind study/read/research/write something - Ugh!!! ](*,)


Anyone have any tips? How do I put my problems and worries aside and get on track? I am desperate to get out of this state of mind and start focusing. It's just so hard....

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Well I get myself into these periods every so often i call them my "grunge" periods they are awful but i remind myself of all the good in my life and why i need to keep going i have a far away goal that i want to reach and i keep myself reminded of how my life will change when i reach it.

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I could have posted the exact same thing! Im in the same boat, Im trying to finish my Masters but Im just not motivated to do anything.. I dont even feel like getting out of bed in the morning to go to school.. Ive tried the list thing and it did work a little bit until I hit a road block and I just feel like giving up.

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Ha, you read my mind. I'm working on a PhD and feel like I've like motivation for a year now. There was a time when I seriously looked forward to beginning the day and would hop out of bed ready to go . Now I wake up and dread the day. Due to a bunch of circumstances I've been increasing in depression even though I try to stay upbeat. Now, all I can think about is what it will be like to be done and start a real life. I procrastinate my days away thinking that somehow I'll eventually graduate instead of just sucking it up and getting things done. I just can't seem to get the motivation. So, I'm in the same boat and have no secrets for you.

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