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I wish we could be together. I miss you but not enough to put myself through the fighting and physical harm that you have caused me. You are beautiful like and angel on the surface but more like a demon inside. It pains me to see you self-destruct and fall into the arms of guys who will toss you aside when they are done. I still love you and i wish things were different. We both knew we could never be together forever but we sure did try our hardest. Or at least i did...we couldnt connect and it hurt. I did all i could to be the person i wasnt but the person you wanted because i was willing to do anything to be with you. Im sorry even though i shouldnt be. I love you...maybe another time or maybe another life we can figure out a way to be together. Until then...Be safe.

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I contacted you the other day and deep down I knew it was a mistake. I poured my feelings out to you and you told me the same. Deep down inside i knew you were still not ready to commit but yet I still reached out. You told me everything I wanted to hear; you've missed me, you've been struggling to move on; you're still in love with me but yet you're still unsure of wanting to marry me? I am so confused!! How can you say that you still love me and want to be with me but you're not sure about marrying me? I don't know what to do.....I want to believe that this break will benefit us in the end but I am just so damn confused about your feelings! So you say you want me to date around so I can know for sure that I want to be with you. Honestly I don't need to do that to know who i want to love and marry. Why are you so afraid of commitment! i don't f'en get it. I hate you so much right now!

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Do you ever think of me? One week on since I last heard from you and you're just getting on with the routine and life that I so enjoyed being art of. Yet I'm sat here struggling having not spoken to a soul all day. I've reached out to family and friends but they have their own lives and priorities just like you. You ended this and now I want to end my life. I've looked on websites as to the different methods and the physical and emotional turmoil I'm in seems worse than whatever may be next. I've given up all hope of you returning. You may miss me but that changes nothing. My life was empty before you ca,e along and you made it all seem worth it.... Now you're gone and I just feel life isn't worth it without you in it. I have friends and family but like I said they have different priorities. If I couldn't make it work with you when it was effortless easy and I trusted you then how will I ever make it work with anyone else. You've left a hole that can't be filled and no one not even myself can change or help with.

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So it's been 4 days since you told me that you had feelings for another woman, and I don't know about you, but I feel awful. There's never a good time to break up with someone but boy did you pick a doozy of a time! You told me this immediately after telling me that your mother was in the hospital on what may be her deathbed...I sat there trying to console you and help you, then comes this bomb. I was not prepared for it...just last weekend we were jamming at a concert, having a wonderful dinner at that place by the beach, making love, watching football. Now this weekend I'm going through all kinds of emotions, playing the saddest music my iPod can conjure, trying to stay active so I can keep my mind off you. I told you it was for the best, I believe that in my mind, but my heart is not cooperating. I've taken to using this forum to write this instead of texting you or emailing you because I really want to make this NC thing work. I kept hoping you would call me or text me at some point over the past few days to update me/help you cope with what's going on with your mother but you have been radio silent. I guess that's for the best too though I am having such a hard time understanding how we've gone from all of the things that happened last weekend to this. Hell, the day you told me all of this, you'd texted to say you missed me and wanted me to come over for lunch. I feel like that was all a ploy to get me there so you could tell me in person instead of doing the whole "we need to talk" thing. You obviously didn't just wake up Tuesday morning and decide you had feelings for her...this was probably a long time coming. I wished you would have told me earlier when you really first started feeling this way. You told me that she knows about me, but I really wish we'd spoken about it first before you expressed your feelings to her. I feel like 5 years together deserves that...and while I do appreciate you telling me about your feelings before you acted on them, I have to now wonder how long you really had these feelings. How many times over the last months have we been together where you were thinking of her? We just made love last Sunday, was she in your thoughts then? I will probably never have the answers to those questions and it doesn't matter now really. I feel like you probably moved on a while ago and telling me was just the last thing you needed to do before commencing the new relationship with her. I know one day i won't feel this way and I'll be able to wish you the best without feeling sick to my stomach. I'm going to turn this into a positive though...actively seeking a therapist so I can process this and move on. I know I couldn't give you all you wanted but do know that I put 110% of my mind, body and soul into this relationship. I loved you as much as I could love anything in this world and a part of my heart will always belong to you. I do know that it wasn't all roses...you have a serious drinking problem that I in many ways enabled and ignored. I hope that you too realize this and get help or else I fear all of your relationships will eventually falter. I'll be there for you when you need me (well after this NC thing renders me able to be there without being emotional)

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I miss your cuddles and your presence. But I don't miss the arguments, the crying or the impending sense of doom that came with the relationship. I hate how I wasn't the best version of myself and as a result not the best gf to you. I'm sorry for the hurtful things I said but I am in a happier place now. Even though some days I just dream of waking up next to you, I know that I am happier without you...or rather less sad. I still miss you though and don't regret our time together. Maybe in the future, after we've both lived and traveled we will find each other and reconnect. Or maybe we will find the people we are meant to be with. After all everything happens for a reason. I just miss you and I still love you, that's all.

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We have a baby together and you can't even call or text to check up on him. You know what I am at peace. Those sleepless nights , and crying my self to sleep feeling sorry for my self are gone. I hope they last bc you are a mistake I regret meeting you. However we did make this beautiful baby and I made him with love but I can't say t h e same about you. I just hope

One day you realize that I am a great

Woman and I truly loved you and you missed out on a beautiful family that we could have created. I love

You but I must get over you. And let me tell you something my hero wants me back and I am thinking about getting back with him. He truly loves me and he wants to step up as a father figure for my son. I am done getting played with

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Even though it is obvious I resent you for many things (otherwise I wouldn't feel the urge to tell you mean things), I don't think I really loved you. I miss someone, a partner, not you necessarily. Even though I like you a lot, I don't think it was ever real love. I am not just saying this to be mean right now, it is something that occurred to me while we were still happy with each other.

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Today is the first Sunday that we won't be watching or live texting about football...this was one of the things that brought us together. I went to the sportsbar down the street to watch the games with a friend today...I got through it but thought about you a great deal of the time. But no texting you to get your thoughts on Manziel replacing Hoyer...I sat on my hands so I wouldn't do it. I am wondering how things are with your mom and if you decided to stay with your dad instead of flying back here today. But again, still not going to text you...I left the door open for you to contact me if you wanted to talk and since you haven't, can only assume you may be reaching out to someone else for support, which further solidifies this whole situation.

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"The truth is that the more intimately you know someone, the more clearly you’ll see their flaws. That’s just the way it is. This is why marriages fail, why children are abandoned, why friendships don’t last. You might think you love someone until you see the way they act when they’re out of money or under pressure or hungry, for goodness’sake. Love is something different. Love is choosing to serve someone and be with someone in spite of their filthy heart. Love is patient and kind, love is deliberate. Love is hard. Love is pain and sacrifice, it’s seeing the darkness in another person and defying the impulse to jump ship”


I felt like sending that to you today but I think there's more chance of teaching a wall maths, than you what real love is about.

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I love the the thought of no contact with you. I hope beyond hope that I don't hear from you for a long long long time now. I made you an offer that I KNOW you would never ever negotiate with me. I did that on purpose. You f my world up every time you resurface. I met yet another girl and I want her to work out. Leave me the f alone now. There are things to be done with her and I can't be renting you any space AT ALL in my mind in order to do them. Go AWAY and stay AWAY. Thank you.

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hello, how are you? just wanted to check how have you been all this while. i don't want to lie just like how i have never lied to you before, i still think of you every-single day.i know its been 1.5yr and you probably have moved on and probably must have got married but the impact you had on me is just unexplained. i just liked taking care of you like a baby and hopefully the new guy in your life is doing a better job at that. i hope somewhere in the bottom of your heart to have some feelings for me.

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I put up the Christmas decorations in my new apartment tonight. I was doing ok until I started unwrapping the collection of santas and all the memories came back. For some reason I thought about your mom and completely broke down. I want to call her so badly and tell her how much I appreciated everything she did to make this time of year so special for us. In some ways losing her as a (almost) mother in law is just as hard as losing you. When we split up the Christmas stuff I made the mistake of keeping all the Christmas cards she wrote us (and the thank you cards, the thanksgiving cards, the Halloween cards...). Even in my darkest days I know I'll find happiness with another man again but I don't think I'll ever find a better mother in law. Is it breaking NC if I send her a Christmas card? Part of me would do it in the hopes that you might see it and your feelings would soften toward me but I also want to tell her how much she meant to me.


With everyone around me getting in the holiday spirit the last few days have been really hard. I'm steadfast in my decision not to contact you and I have no plans to change that but I still wish you would give me another chance. Do you think about me at all? I know the kind of person you are and I bet when you decided to move on you never looked back. I wish I could do that. Maybe I only feel this way because I'm sad and still miss my old life. Maybe I'm still holding out hope for the fantasized version of you I always wanted. But if I didn't miss YOU why would I still be sitting here bawling in front of a computer 6 months after I left? I left. I did it for a good reason but I wish I didn't actively have to remind myself that each day.

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You were my best friend, we wouldn’t last a full day without speaking to each other. My soul mate, my partner and my lover. Now we don’t even talk. The things I shared with you were things I could barely admit to myself. I loved you so, so much. It makes me cry. You were my everything and I would have done anything for you. You only had to ask me or make me understand. I miss holding you in my arms and have you smell my chest. I miss you wearing my tshirts and jumpers. I miss singing Jack Johnson to you in the car. I miss warming up your side of the bed. I miss your smile and your laugh. I told you I loved you everyday because I wanted you to know that wherever I was, my heart was yours. I carved our names into a tree and on a beach in Penang. You were the first thing I thought of and the last.


Why are we here after everything we braved and shared together? Years of hardships and strife but safe and happy in our little world. Why was that not enough? Why was I not enough? Why didn’t we resolve this together and come out stronger, as we should have. I was your hero, even at the end your happiness was the most important thing to me. Even when I was falling apart with my life boxed up in my car. How could you lose or forget that love and who I was, why was one glance in our box of memories not enough. Why did you chose terrible friends and a loser like him over me. There should never have been a race, let alone a winner.


Max didn’t know his daddy wasn’t coming back that day, I didn’t know either. I miss my little boy so much. I miss cuddling him, his smell and talking to him in my silly voice. Now he is someone elses’. He didn’t stay up with him all night when he was sick. He didn’t stand out in the rain when he needed the loo. He didn’t have pictures of you both on his phone that would get him through the day. He isn’t me.


Life is a blessing and a curse and there are plenty worse things than death. Living with the echo of a feeling to a memory is all I have left. How could you do this to me…after how I was to you.

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I hope your running over to peoples houses and need for sexual attention is just a phase. I can't afford to worry about you anymore but please take of yourself and remember the advice i gave you and all the talks we had! i think losing you as my best friend hurts more than losing your love. Take care...

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The worst part is how badly I still miss you. It's not all day every day, like it used to be, but I miss you more than I can express. Every single day. I know that it's over, I get that. But I wish you would see something that made you think of me, and reach out. I just need to know that I cross your mind, because I feel so forgotten by you. Meanwhile here I am, a month later, still wishing I could rewind. There's so many thing I wish I could say to you but none of them matter anymore because you're no longer mine. Just know that you have a small piece of my heart but that most of all, I miss you.

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Here I am again. Doing so well and the last couple days you've been in my dreams again. I know I still miss you. I still smile at the memories we made in our short time together. I wonder if you think of me, or see/hear things that remind you of me? Of us. I wonder if you ever dream of me? I still think about you often, but somehow feel forgotten by you. You told me that you couldn't imagine me not in your life in some way or another when we broke up, and look at things now... you don't want contact or anything to do with me. So many things have happened recently where I've felt the need to just text you and tell you... like it used to be. But no. I can't and won't. I can't put myself through your cold responses, that's if you even respond at all. Even now I still can't believe this is how things turned out. We had such a promising start.

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I lost so much respect for you today with that email. I have NEVER said I would be anything but who I always was to you. Never once did I waver or give you a sign that it was ok to contact me without trying to actually work on something real with me. Yet you persisted knowing full well that I had feelings for you. You are the most incredibly heartless woman I have ever met and I swear it on everything that I love in this world you will NEVER be near me again. I will NEVER willingly connect with you I will never allow you anywhere near my life for the rest of my life. You have the blood of a reptile underneath your skin. I f'ing hate you with every cell in my body right now. I haven't felt this much disdain for someone in a long long time. I hope this comes back to you ten thousand times. Karma will come for you, I am positive. And this better be it this time. I better not get a text from you months down the road again. I never ever want to hear from you again. And that feeling will never ever go away that I can promise you.

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