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I have a tremendous joy of smashing my head into hard objects. When I get stressed, or my significant other pisses me off, I feel this intense itching in the front of my forehead and the only thing that relieves the itching, and the emotional pressure behind it is to just smack my forehead into a wall, cabinet...anything that will withstand the force.


I even took a hammer to my forehead once, tapped it about 10 times before I realized I was too scared to actually drive it home full force. I blasted a hole in the wall once, and I stopped for a few weeks. But when I fixed the hole, it was like I had self-permission to start butting again.


The headaches afterwards aren't even that bad. Its sore for about a half hour, then it goes away. Does anyone relate?

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People often find it totally acceptable for guys to punch something, kick something, or in your case, head-butt something to release frustration and anger. This is really counter productive. All it's really doing is training you to associate your emotions with violence, and that will bring you nowhere good. I suggest finding a different outlet for your grief.

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when I get pissed, I go out to my punching bag or I go to the gym. It's really not worth hurting yourself like that because you know the anger will subside in due time. I know its hard to think rationally when you're caught up in the moment, but don't hurt yourself like that. You could cause some serious damage to yourself.

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there are no pain receptors in the brain.

ask a doctor about brain damage as i wonder if you could be doing damage that will show up sooner or later slurred speech, double incontience etc.

i would say find out about brain damage caused by impact injuries, finding an outlet which is socially acceptable may be better. although i can never understand how boxing is an acceptable sport? some end up with life long injuries from being punched to the head. i dont know how hard you are hitting but these boxers get hit by people not hammers.

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i cant even bring myself to hit a volleyball with mine. you have a gift.

go MMA and use it is what i say... or is that against the rules? ... not sure.


start breaking boards and make it into a youtube videos. that would be cool.

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This behavior is actually rather common in younger children. They will often tap or bang their heads when something frustrates them, because children have limited ways of expressing frustration. It is not always a sign of a problem when a child exhibits it. See link removed


The fact that you are using it as a coping strategy for anger, in adulthood, means that you have not developed other ways to deal with conflict. I see this behavior as no different than someone who likes to "punch walls" when they are angry.


Its' a temper and self-control issue, and pretty straight forward to treat. You'd probably find success with anger management courses or cognitive behavioral therapy which would help you to break down the feelings you have that lead to this, and develop new stategies to cope with stress, anger, or frustration.

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