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You know what i've never found fair with pets?

scared and alone

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well, my mom claims that it was because she shed, but hi, CATS SHED TOO. WAY more than dogs. At least, visibly. It just always made me mad when all the cats were sleeping on the couches and the dog got on the couch and my mom told HER to to get down. I was like waaaaait, thats not fair and the dog doesn't understand. And unlike the rest of our animals, our dog was actually well behaved and listened.

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Got something for ya, I think it's hilarious. I too have the no dog on the couch rule but the 2 cats sleep on it all day. I guess it is pretty unfair.


Take the time to read this through - it is hilarious. Read the cat diary that follows.

Excerpts from a Dog's Diary......



8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!

9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!

9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!

10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!

12:00 pm - Lunch! My favorite thing!

1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!

3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!

5:00 pm - Milk Bones! My favorite thing!

7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!

8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!

11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!



Excerpts from a Cat's Daily Diary...




Day 983 of my captivity..

My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.


They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets.


Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.


The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.


Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a 'good little hunter' I am. Bastards.


There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of 'allergies.' I must learn what this means and how to use it to my advantage.


Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs.


I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.


The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now...............

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The dogs I've known have shed way way more than my cats! There's also the slobber factor, and the sheer size factor - depending on what kind of dog it is, there might not be room for anyone else!


I doubt the dog has the same concept of fairness that you have, scared. I'm sure he doesn't group himself with the cats in the "pets" category, and feel like he's being slighted that he can't sit on the couch while they can.

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We don't let our dog on the couch because he ruined the last couch we had--chewed the HECK out of it. So we don't let him on because we don't want him to think it's okay to be anywhere near it, actually. The cats just sleep on it, though, don't claw or anything. That's what makes the difference.

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The dogs I've known have shed way way more than my cats! There's also the slobber factor, and the sheer size factor - depending on what kind of dog it is, there might not be room for anyone else!


I doubt the dog has the same concept of fairness that you have, scared. I'm sure he doesn't group himself with the cats in the "pets" category, and feel like he's being slighted that he can't sit on the couch while they can.


NONE of what you said is the case for the dog we had. And she DID look quite confused and sad when we kicked her off the couch and then looked at the cats on the couch, it broke my heart. And i'm sorry, but why wouldn't the dog categorize themselves in the same group as the rest of the pets? They are ALL there, right?

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in dog training, there is a real reason for why dogs are not allowed on the couch; aggressive, or ambitious, dogs take this as a sign that they are equal to you in house standing. That means that your position as 'alpha dog' loses a bit of prominence. If you've got a submissive dog, however, it shouldn't be an issue.

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in dog training, there is a real reason for why dogs are not allowed on the couch; aggressive, or ambitious, dogs take this as a sign that they are equal to you in house standing. That means that your position as 'alpha dog' loses a bit of prominence. If you've got a submissive dog, however, it shouldn't be an issue.




That's the old "dominance", "the dog wants to challenge you in rank" mentallity, which is also responsible for the choice of training tools (ie choke chains) in the traditional "yank and crank" (avoidance, aversives based) trainers.


Worldwide, behaviorists, trainers and vets are refuting this and disagreeing with it. The most up to date trainers are also coming up with new, more humane ways to train. Think clicker trainers, such as Leslie McDevitt, Karen Pryor, Pat Millar, Jane Killion, Melissa Alexander, Nicole Wilde, Pam Dennison,... the list goes on and on. Think pioneers like Dr. Ian Dunbar, The Bailey couple, Jean Donaldson, and again Karen Pryor, etc etc etc.


There is no scientific evidence that supports the belief that dogs will feel they are above you (or "equal" as you mentionned) in rank if they are allowed on the couch or bed, or if you do not block access to certain rooms.


Through Openrant conditionning and management, one is able to teach their dog or maintain in their dog the behaviors they wish to see. No need to assert yourself as the "alpha" with force or with things such as not being allowed on the couch, going through doors after you or eating after you.


Dr David Mech, world renowed expert on wild wolves, has refuted the idea that wolves always travel in linear order according to rank when hunting or that the "alpha" couple always eats first. The "alpha" couple is merelly the breeding pair in a family unit that carry on parental duty.



Yet, we keep applying those beliefs to domestic dogs. new date supports the fact that they may bnot even come from wolves, but rather from Village dogs located all over the world close to the equator, which themselves may be descended from wolves (a genetic mutation). see the book by Raymond and Lorna Coppinger, "Dogs".



With our beliefs come certain behaviors toward our pets and this whole "dominance based relationships" set of beliefs really influences our relationships and decisions and choice of training tools when it comes to dogs, so I think it is very important that we revisit them.





Personally I put a sheet on the couch so that my dog does'nt shed all over it.


If a person doesn't want their dog to go on the couch, they can offer an alternative place, just as comfortable or more comfortable and reward the heck out the fact that the dog lies there when they are home. In time the dog may choose it even when owers are not home. When not home, it is hard to control what the dog will choose all depending what is most rewarding to him (most comfortable), so it is perhaps best to cover the couch or to block access to the living room.


many dogs love den-like, covered places, so a crate, left open, with a comfy cushion in it, may be chosen above all else. the best would be to feed the dog there, to play with the dog there (throw a toy or little bits of food that the dog has to retrieve), so that the crate is a very fun, safe and rewarding place to go to. Never use to crate to punish the dog.

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I agree with the whole alpha thing. I wish people would get rid of this mentality. My dog sleeps with me, sleeps on the furniture, walks ahead of me, etc. But she in no way acts as though she is in charge. She comes to me for food b/c I supply it to her. She comes to me to go to the bathroom b/c she knows I open the door to outside. She's not alpha in any respect. So allowing dogs on furniture doesn't necessarily mean that they will be in charge of you.

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If I had a dog ( my apartment won't let me, but someday!), he'd be allowed on the couch just like my cat sleeps on it. And my cat sheds like crazy! I just put the brush attachment on my vaccum and vaccum the couch cushions/cat hair each week. I think I've sucked enough to build 3 more cats.

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If I had a dog ( my apartment won't let me, but someday!), he'd be allowed on the couch just like my cat sleeps on it. And my cat sheds like crazy! I just put the brush attachment on my vaccum and vaccum the couch cushions/cat hair each week. I think I've sucked enough to build 3 more cats.


HAHA that was too cute...


Both my dog and cats have the same rights to the furniture. My dog for some reason though never wants to get on the couch. He's quite content laying next to it, but I wouldn't care if he got up there with us.

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Well I guess, just the animal lover in me, the animal and their feelings mean more to me than a little mess i'll have to clean up. Like my cats, i mean they shed on the CARPET. * * * am i supposed to do? yeah, they are allowed on the furniture. I will just clean up after them, its not THAT big of a deal. They ARE a part of the family..

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when dogs think they own the place its a problem, dogs are pack animals, its easy to get dominance issues out of a dog. plus cats dont weigh 50lbs.

and on top of that dogs smell more than cats if you dont keep them clean clean clean.

on top of that you cant really train a cat.

i'll let small cat sized dogs on the couch though. but i nip the dominance thing in the bud.

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I bathe Leeluu twice a year, if that. Being around the number of animals I am each day, I come accross very smelly animals, even the ones whose owners try to keep clean. And many cats I take care of smell much worse than my dog. And I don't get that whole "they're a pack animal so don't let them on the couch". I don't have any dominance issues with my dog and half the time she is on the bed more than I am.

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its common knowledge.

not all dogs do it but some most definitely will.

and my cats smell like lilacs!


you cant dispute one fact though, a mid sized dog can break down a couch like nobodys business, they get up there with their small feet, distrubuting a good amount of weight, circle a few times with those toenails and.. oh yeah... new sofa is about to be brutalized, and then they lay down, likely in the same spot. every. time. when you get home there is a dent in your couches stuffing.

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