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When do you know you are back together?

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First, congratulations.


Well, it's something to get used to. After being away from each other for so long, it feels weird and out of place once you get back together again. My advice is to take things slow, be honest with each other, and to COMMUNICATE!


Good luck.

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ur insecurity will give her an edge, she might eventually find it annoying.


couldnt agree more..your waiting for the other foot to drop because you know the reality of it is, there really isnt anything official between the two of you..sit down and have that talk dont just take a guess at it

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couldnt agree more..your waiting for the other foot to drop because you know the reality of it is, there really isnt anything official between the two of you..sit down and have that talk dont just take a guess at it

I think I agree with this. Its not some cryptic thing that you need to decipher. When you are sure in your head, you will know. And when you know, you will have a chat. After that chat, it will be clear and official. Then you will at least have some right to voice your concerns about her chatting up other guys and such. Till you have had that chat, nothings official. And you will know when you want to have that chat. She will send out that vibe very clearly.

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Wow! sounds like you're in the same exact situation that i'm in. I don't know if me and my ex are back together. He broke up with me May 18th and we've been seeing eachother about 2x a week going on dates. Last week we went to a John Legend concert together and yesterday we had lunch and hung out the rest of the day. I don't know if i should just go with the flow and hope it all pans out or if i should bring the subject up. I feel like if i bring it up, i might just scare him away.But i'm also paranoid that he might be talking to other girls. Soooooo confusing! i wish i knew what to do

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I feel like if i bring it up, i might just scare him away.But i'm also paranoid that he might be talking to other girls. Soooooo confusing! i wish i knew what to do


Same here...except I'm talking about a girl and you're talking about a guy.


We have been intimate though and yesterday she did say she was "my girl." But not because we were having any kind of talk. I do feel like having any kind of talk at this stage will kill the moment maybe. Best to just leave the crap in the past and move forward.

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I'm kinda in the same spot. However I've been in this spot for about 2 months now. The question you need to ask yourself is are you happy with just spending time with this person not being an official couple? You need to ask yourself this question every day and the day that the answer is no, then you need to have a talk with them and tell them you are not happy and tell them what you want. For me I am happy right now and I would rather have what I have now than nothing at all. There is a good chance that if I ask for more, what we have will be lost and I'm not ready to risk it yet. My friends are all telling me I am crazy and that I should just talk to him and tell him what I want but, I'm not ready.....either one day he will just say everything I want to hear, or I will have to ask him but there's no reason to force the issue if I'm happy......So are you happy?

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