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My freakin goodness, I can only take so much more of this screaming.

My mother, being the wonderful person that she is, insists on playing this musical-of-crappy-songs, on full blast!


My ears can only take so much, and she has it sooooooo loud, I can't go anywhere, in this 3-story house, to escape the ear-grating noise.


I love my mother, but she seriously annoys me sometimes. It's not like she's a teenager. She plays music louder than I ever did during my adolescent years. I'm surprised she can still hear.


Anywho, that's it, not anything interesting or extreme. Just slightly irritated, the world won't end.

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The funny thing is that years and years from now, you'll remember her acting like this, roll your eyes and smile, and realise that you actually miss her antics.


Maybe you can make her some compilations of music that you think you'd both like, that way when she blasts the tunes, it'll be more enjoyable for you.


Barring that, maybe get a set of earplugs for the really bad music days, or invest in some high-quality earphones for yourself (the kind that block out outside noise).

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My mothers like that with The Eagles, Coldplay, Santana and others. Though I don't mind the music so it doesn't bother me much. I get more annoyed with my mother bursting into my room without knocking...I close the door and she just walks in. Its annoying because sometimes she almost catches me in embarrassing predicaments...

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