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Christmas cards are silly things. Some people send them to anyone and everyone they've ever said hello to. My mother is like that, she sends Christmas cards to everyone, sends about 400 of those mass produced ones you get in boxes out every year, and that doesn't include family and close friends, who she buys special individual cards for.


So in short it seems some people are just odd when it comes to Christmas cards. Wouldn't let it bother you unless they are talking on the phone constantly.

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Why should it be weird??


I get christmas cards from my ex husbands mum and dad and each year.....we have been broken up for well over two years. I see nothing weird in it....


Understand your ex has a past and that includes ex gfs that he will have introduced to his family. His ex gfs were as much a part of his life at one time, as you are now. His mum may have liked this girl and a lot. What would you rather his mum do. Shun her and because he may have a new gf (you).

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