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Are they snobbish?

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I know this is probably a strange question to ask but I have considered studying at university. The problem is that I have these strange thoughts about the environment surrounding such a place. From my point of view both the students and teachers are a kind of snobbish people who only thinks about the subject they are studying or teaching.


But is this true or...?

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Never experienced that in any college I went to. There were a few professors who had gone so academic that you wanted to slap them, but most people are pretty normal. just think of it this way: both teachers and students are performing a job. One is to teach and run a school, the other to learn and turn in homework. Those who are diligent at their jobs, will be focused on them when necessary.


Are you a good student? Do you enjoy school? If you aren't the type to take school seriously, you may end up with that opinion about some folks. I myself love school so being in that environment is very stimulating for me.

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There are mixes of people everywhere. For instance, your future jobs could be full of people who are snobs against those without a degree.


Don't allow 'what ifs' to drive your decisions, or you can talk yourself out of just about anything. If you have an opportunity to try an experience that can only benefit you despite some minor discomforts here and there, consider it a way to thicken your skin enough to push through the slings and arrows everywhere in life. You could end up strong enough to never notice them.


In your corner.

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I know there is snobbish people everywhere but my question is whether the majority of people at university is snobbish or down to Earth.


The majority of them just think about clubbing, hanging out with their friends, and how to get good grades lol


nothing to worry about, you're waaaay overthinking it

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I attend a university that caters to adults 25+ years old. No snobs here, though it's terribly expensive, almost $900 per unit. If there is no snobbery here, it is highly unlikely to find it in most universities. You go to school to get an education, not to pad your social life.

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You go to school to get an education, not to pad your social life.


I definitely went to school to get educated but I also definitely went to pad my social life too. You know how everyone says it's not what you know, it's who you know? Well, you get to make those connections in school.


As for snobs, there won't be enough of them for you to even notice, and nobody is forcing you to interact with them. Although, I just have to say that physics majors beat all!!

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From my point of view both the students and teachers are a kind of snobbish people who only thinks about the subject they are studying or teaching.


Students think only about the subject they're studying? I'm lucky if I can get my students to think about it for ten minutes a day! And believe me, when I have spare time, it's not spent thinking about work.

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I heard from some people that they were very surprised of how serious people was about there subjects at university. So I thought that people studied their subjects 12-15 hours a day or something...I don't think they are snobbish but from the sound of it, they are pretty serious about their work...or?

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I heard from some people that they were very surprised of how serious people was about there subjects at university. So I thought that people studied their subjects 12-15 hours a day or something...I don't think they are snobbish but from the sound of it, they are pretty serious about their work...or?


About 0.01% of students spent 12-15 hours a day studying. The other 99.9% average between 5 minutes and 4 hours in my experience.

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I know this is probably a strange question to ask but I have considered studying at university. The problem is that I have these strange thoughts about the environment surrounding such a place. From my point of view both the students and teachers are a kind of snobbish people who only thinks about the subject they are studying or teaching.


But is this true or...?


You may be confusing their passion for snobbish. Some people love to talk about their passion and what they have learned about it. There is nothing wrong with that. It's exciting for them.


I'm really glad that you didn't just go on thinking this way and decided to question your own thoughts. I hope you find your own clarity.


If you do end up going to school for something you love, I'm sure you'll understand real quick why people love to talk and think about their passion.

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  • 4 months later...


You may be confusing their passion for snobbish. Some people love to talk about their passion and what they have learned about it. There is nothing wrong with that. It's exciting for them.


I'm really glad that you didn't just go on thinking this way and decided to question your own thoughts. I hope you find your own clarity.


If you do end up going to school for something you love, I'm sure you'll understand real quick why people love to talk and think about their passion.


anyone who can do this will never be a loser in the long run.


my daughter went to university recently i was very worried.

we are on state benefits living in a 'sink' council estate we statically are dead beats.

i thought she would be eaten alive by snobs.

guess what?

she has life skills a lot of people at uni have never had to use.

she has taught her friends to cook, clean, shop (at the reduced,short dated section of the supermarket) and read bus time tables!

she has the best time ever.

the only snob left-she was not popular.

the mix of people at uni is a great learning experience all round.


just in case anyones skeptical.......she taught her peers to do their own work......she does not do it for them, they are all true friends.


any one worried about snobs, dont knock it till you try it.

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