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I feel useless.


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Wow, hon, I think you've really pushed her away with these emails, especially this one. In the first one you basically say, "I'm glad you are with someone else." In the second you say, "Hey, I desperately want you back and so I am begging you." Both times she tells you that it's better that you two are friends. Then, in the third and most damaging email you 1) Blame her for not giving you closure even though she's clearly stated she only wants to be friends 2) Suggest that you've been talking about her to others 3) Say her behavior is abnormal because she's dating someone else 4) Imply that she never loved you 5) Hint that SHE even wanted YOU to be a different person 6) Try to guilt her into trying again.


I mean, wow. ALL the classic ways of pushing someone away. You were being manipulative and hurtful and not respecting her choices. In fact, she was very clearly giving you closure, to just be friends, in both emails; you simply chose not to listen. And you forgot that YOU were the one who broke up with HER and broke her trust!


I said in my post a week ago that your actions would give you the experience you need. Have you learned the lessons?

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I know I was most likely disrespectful for not respecting her wishes as I broke her trust inside it kills me to think its all my fault.

In the end I went with my heart not my mind maybe I did push her away even more but would of we really got back together no, I deep down still don't believe she loved me maybe this is me being a selfish * * * * * .


I have questioned myself would I change what I did contacting her after the break up, truth is most likely not maybe I would of worded the emails slightly differently and not been so truthful and more caring towards her.


I know deep down in my heart friendship would never work so maybe it was best I pushed her away she would be happier without me in her life, now I know I can feel like I wont be hanging on to that hope what if... part of me would love to be her friend but right now I just need to get over this stage of my life.


I have learnt alot from this experience and views from others have help me majorly, I would like to thank everyone who has helped me out so far.

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