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she is Albanian and i am yugo and some of you might know those to cultures dont get along but me and her get along and such. she wont go out with me though cause of her Albanian heritage, she isnt allowed to go anywhere. dont know how to get her to go out with me or what to do. its driving me nutz. We both live in the U.S.


That's tough. All I can suggest is to search Google (shameless plug for the best search engine ever) for advice elsewhere. But then again, if you're posting here, that's probably how you arrived...


What do you mean when you say she isn't allowed to go anywhere? Is it her parents controlling her? Try being more specific. The more, the better.


I was in a situation that was simular to yours. I liked this girl form my 1st period class. We were friends before and I did talk to her everyday in class. One day I told her that I had feelings for her. That afternoon she calls me up on the phone and tells me that she can't see me because of her parents. She told me that her parents don't want her dating yet. The next day in school I spoke to her bestfriend and she told me the same thing about her. At first I was really disappointed because of this, but then later on I decied to stay friends with her.

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