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Self-esteem issues

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Engage in exercise, stay active, eat well, slowly but surely move towards your career goals, surround yourself with positive people and get your rest. If that doesnt do it for you then you probably have more serious issues at which point you may consider seeking some profesional help.

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Keep busy - one of the reasons i tend to get depressed is because i don't do enough... i have negative thoughts when i'm not doing enough... it makes sense if you think about it. if you don't do the dishes, if you neglect other housework, and you forget about various other tasks or you neglect tasks and you stop doing things than you will become somewhat depressed and you'll feel down on yourself.

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What if you do all of the things suggested, and none of them work? Not even therapy? Do you think its possible if someone has had low self esteem since childhood, they can overcome that? What if it was something embedded in your personality? (can we say 21 questions? lol)


OP, Going to school helps me a little and gives me a sense of accomplishment.

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