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Just got dumped

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My girlfriend and I were going out for almost a year and a half(not bad for a highschool relationship). And things were going great, until yesterday. She was giving me the cold shoulder and I thought I would give her some space. Today, she pulled me aside and told me that she was breaking up with me because she liked someone else. I told her(not begging) that if it had anything to do with me, I could change, and I left.


I was very quite the rest of the day, and when I finnaly got home, I started crying, I dont want to eat, I'm shaking all the time, and I dont feel like doing anything.


I was very happy whenever I was with her and miss her so much.


Any advice would be great.

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I'm sorry. I don't have any real advice other than to go hang out with your friends and your family instead of sitting around by yourself feeling down. Just being around other people will take your mind off of it a little bit. Exercise, watch TV, stay distracted. Don't chase her or anything. She might decide she made a mistake, and you want her last image of you to be a positive one. But hon, believe me that I know it doesn't help right now to hear it, but even if you guys don't get back together, you really will meet somebody else who is great before too long. Hang in there.

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Thank you, I've been in a few relationships. But they were just for month or two, and the break-ups were mutual. But I never saw this coming because two nights earlier we were laying next to eachother watching a movie and I felt closer to her than ever.

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Whatever you do. Try to keep busy. I agree hang with friends try to get everything done that you have been meaning to do. Your mind will keep going back to thinking about it. Just realize its not the end of the world and sometimes you gotta lose something good in order to get something great. Every relationship you get in shapes you for the next and helps you to become a better person, maybe for the next person. Remember that this is a part of life everyone has been through it. I was never dumped did all the dumping till my mid 20's then was dumped back to back pretty late in dealing with it damned i started wishing it happened earlier like in my teens. It is hard but remember WE ALL have felt that way at some point in our lives. Also remember that if she doesnt come back the next girl you may meet will most like have been dumped at some point and that will make her who she is stronger more knowing what she wants and what she wont stand for, also that you cant take anyone for granted thinking they will always be there but spend the time together treasuring it. Maybe you were too good for her(LOL) that happens too. You will get over it. When the feeling takes you over just embrace it but dont call her.


Be strong you will be happy in love again one day soon.

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I've looked around the site and see NC everywhere. Is this a good idea, will it help?


Yes, in several ways. It helps you keep your dignity, which is crucial. Breakups are hard enough without making yourself look (and then feel) foolish. NC guarantees that you won't say or do anything you'll regret, and it gives her a chance to miss you.


It also gives her a chance to wonder why you're not falling all over yourself to try to get her back--and that cultivates respect.


You don't need to be mean, and you don't need to avoid saying hello if you pass in the halls, but just appear to be doing fine without her--and she will notice.


Does that mean she'll come back? Not necessarily, but it certainly ups your chances, especially because you prevent yourself from blowing them.


Head high, and in your corner.

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So sorry you are feeling like this, you will go through the motions, loss of appetite, loss of sleep, no interest in anything only your ex. Spend time with your family and friends and try and keep busy.


No contact for me is very crucial, it is very hard though. My ex pushed me away because i was contacting him, told me not to contact him again , that was 9 weeks ago. I didnt listen to the advice my family and friends were giving me. Try your hardest not to contact her. Hope this helps, it will get easier, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Take care. xx

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