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Did I damage my ACL?

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So I was playing soccer this morning and I heard a pop in my knee and a lot of pain. It hurts when I straighten my leg but not when it is slightly bent. Also if I put any pressure on my leg, my knee feels very weak and shaky?


Going to the dr tomorrow but would like some opinions as well. Thanks

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I tore my ACL. I actually did it in two stages, in a football game. The first part I had planted my left leg to cut and my teammate fell on it. I felt a pop but no pain. But it did feel weird. The one thing I remember is that when I made my leg straight and wiggled my toes I could feel a tightness in my shin. NO idea if that is related. But then the next play I went to plant my foot and my knee gave out, dislocating, and tore all of my minescus. The hurt a lot. Heres the thing though, if you go the doctor and he thinks you tore something he won't be able to know for sure and you're going to have to wait a month for an MRI and results.


But, was there any serious swelling? Did you try to play on it afterwards? The ACL is responsible for reconjoining the joint made by the femur and tibia/fibia after they are separated by bending at the knee. If there is a lot of clicking it could just be cartilage which is an easy fix. ACL is a 6 month rehab.

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I was unable to continue playing. I immediately got ice on it and while I was sitting on the bench trying to relax, I felt sick to my stomach, but that could be because I didn't anything before the game and had been doing a lot of running before hand.


I have since kept it elevated and iced it some more and rested it. I was able to put a little pressure on it with a knee brace on but not without the brace.


It could be a meniscus problem as well. But normally if you damage the meniscus you don't hear a pop but I know you do with an ACL injury. That is why I am concerned.

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