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mixed signals is an understatement

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for those who know me,and have been reading my post about the breakup ive been going through with my gf.get a load of this...fri nite she came by to tell me that she thinks i am responsible for paying half of her phone bill.she lives about 45 mins from me,and she has a cell phone so her incoming calls are free as long as they are in her area.she says that im the only one that calls her long distance so im responsible to pay.well....i agreed to help out,but i wanted to see her bill,and proof that my calls added up to what she said i owed..she also said that the guy she started seeing 4 days after she broke up with me,for the last 2 months was a lie.she said she put a friend of hers up to it to talk to me on the phone that day,and that he doesnt live in my city,and that she hasnt been with anyone since she broke up with me before last new years,she showed me the phone bill,and there were certain calls that she blacked out with a pen.well....the light hit the paper just good enough to reveal another number and city it came from...and wouldnt you know it,it came from the same city i live in.well.....needless to say i hit the roof,and told her shes got some nerve,and to expect NOTHING from me!we exchanged a few words and she left......so the next nite(last sat nite)i went to her house to retrieve my belongings,and she let me in,and started being somewhat nice,we watched a movie,and started to get close on the couch,and she says"i hope you dont think that you are going to get sex from me because i would never have sex with you again"she saiys"after all thats happened i cant believe you would want to at all"i agreed with her,and said i just wanted my stuff(which she cant find)and im gone....i finally said for her just to keep my stuff and that im leaving......well what do you think happened next.....we ended up having sex,and it was pretty damm good i must say....afterwards she was like...'i cant believe i just did that with you,and i think im going to be sick"and for me to leave....i said fine,just let me call my ride to come get me....my ride said on the phone he would be there in a half an hour to get me so i sat waiting,and then she said she was going to buy a dvd that she wanted me to see,and that we would watch it together,and then she wanted to know how long it would be for my ride to get there because she wanted to have sex again,right about that time he beeped his horn and i left,i taalked to her yesterday and shes back on b itch mode......wtf ???????

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She is sadly confused in the head. You were right to get out when you did. (although the deed had already been done earlier) I'm having the same sort of problem. Well, not to the extreme you are, but still. My ex emailed me and asked if I wanted to go to a movie. I said yes, although I probably shouldn't have. Either way, you need to get away from her for a while. Let her figure things out herself. If she calls you, great. If she doesn't... good times. You won't have to hear her talk about how she'll never have sex with you again while you're having sex. When you're in "healing" mode, the last thing you need is mixed signal woman. I hope that helped. Good luck!

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hey man, although in the end it duz suck , consider yourself at least somewhat lucky that you got to be with her that one last time...the one that meant so much to you. after i saw my ex this weekend all hell broke loose, and i realized she's moved on for a long time with somebody else (i wished it was a lie like you got, but sadly no), and wont come back to me for a long time.

by chance, the day i come back this great girl that i've been getting to know lately grinds with me at a party ( 8) ) and drops all these hints to me that she wants to be my girlfriend. now we're goin out and itz really helping me reflect on and cope with my 3 year relationship with my ex. the best advice right now would be to move on with another girl in your life , cuz it really is the best medicine for our pain.

we're not alone in our pain...we'll get thru this in time

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Wow. Do yourself a favor. Take some time away from her. If she shows up or wants to... tell her to go away. (I suppose in nicer words) She may be dealing with something in her life, or in her head that is making her act that way, but right now you don't need it. Unless you want to give it one last try to actually sit and TALK to her calmly about what's going on... but that doesn't seem likely at this point. The crappy pent up helpless sad feeling that you lost someone you love feeling won't go away if she keeps coming around and fighting with you. (although, it may make it easier because you'll start to not like her at all... ) I just say stay away from her. You seem like a really cool person and like the rest of us here in this sad little virtual land you need time for yourself. Things will work out the way the are supposed to (geez, I've heard that many, many times...). Go be a reckless guy for a while.

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Ahhh crap, same thing stuff was happening to me. My ex broke up with me and wouldn't talk to me. A month later she is flirting and giving me the look when we went out just to talk. Then about another month she calls me up and just wants to say hi, end up talking like we used to for a couple of hours. At the end of the conversation she wants to hang out. I knew we would end up having sex if we did. Well we never got around to it because I think she finally heard all the crap I talked about her during our break. She basically cut all ties with me permanently. Now I realize it's for the better, you have to completely get over eachother before talking again. Otherwise it just drives you crazy. You need to cut them completely out, even if you want to be friends. Well until you are REALLY over them. Trust me it really helps once you get over the intial loss.

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