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Got the job offer! Had some questions


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I finally got the job offer i have been looking for from the company i wanted to work for the most. Just had a couple of questions about the background test. I have to go in tomorrow and take the drug test which ill pass. She also said i had to put down all of my past employers. I guess my question is, should i put down every place i have worked at in the past? I also have a question about another part. I do have an OWI which i got two years ago in college. This is for a production management position and no driving will be involved so i am just freaking about that. I would think they would only be looking at if i was a convicted felon which im not. I thought they would do the background check before they offered me the job but maybe they already have done the criminal one because she said nothing about that while talking to me about the background check. she just told me about putting down past employers. Thanks Guys

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I think 5 years is the standard on how far to go back for references. It should say on the form when you get it.


I'm not sure where you are, but I'm guessing OWI is operating while intoxicated or something like that. If driving is not part of your job description then I'm sure it won't be a problem. I'm sure it's standard policy to just run it on everyone to make sure they haven't robbed any banks or kidnapped any babies or anything. Sounds like you're in! Congratulations!

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