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What is your tragic love story


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Well ive been thinking that im not the only one with a tragic love story, and i was curious on everyone elses, so post away about your tragic love story. Mine has the blueprint of a sterotypical love story only without the happy ending, here it is..


It was 5 years ago, I first met her when i worked at the movies her name was sarah-jane, it was one of her first shifts and i really didnt want to be at work. She was quiet and wasnt saying much, which was making me more bored so i told her jokingly "ive seen slices of bread that are more exciting that you". That opened her right up and we started talking alot and became quite close over the next few shifts. So after a few weeks she asked me out and honestly i did not know if i saw her in that way or not and to protect her from getting hurt i said no for now. My bestfriend also worked at the movies and he and her started talking as friends. I could tell they were starting to like each other, and i was still confused about her so i did what i thought was the right thing and gave them my blessing to go out (they both asked), who was i to stand in the way of two peoples happiness. I ended up taking her to my 10th grade formal/prom because i asked before they were going out, i wanted to swap partners but my friend didnt want too.


It was at this time her and i became close, we were best friends and about a month into their relationship, i fell head over heels for her. I dismissed it at the time as jealousy and kind of ignored my feelings. They broke up about 6 months later and her and i started to loose contact (it was a bad break up, and i was made to choose a side by my bestfriend. naturally i chose him because we went to school together and we had the longer friendship). So i assumed at this stage eventually my feelings would go away, and they didnt.


I got fired from my job and only saw her on and off for the next year at parties and out and about, never enough so i could ask her out without looking like a stalker. So after my final year of school i asked her out, wrongly via text message and i also said in it ive not stopped liking her. She told me she wanted to concentrate on her last year of school and not at the moment. My bestfriend turned gay and we grew apart because he gave some drugs to some girls and lied to me about it to my face, despite the fact i was trying to help him and get him out of trouble. So naievely i waited the year for her and tried again, she kept telling me she was too busy too hang (by this stage i just asked her if she wanted to hang out as m8s). Stupidly i went to the movies hoping to bump into her and of course i did. We got talking and again i asked if she wanted to hang out she said maybe. We were chatting away and she mumbled under her breath something about her boyfriend then looked really embaressed. So i left and went home licking my wounds.


So by this stage i was trying to accept the fact that i had lost, it was done, it was over. a few days later i decided to go for a drive to clear my head and stop my crying, the only girl i had ever been in love with (and still is to this day) was with someone else, and on top of that she didnt feel the same way about me. During the car ride i heard her dedicate a love song and proclaim her love to a guy who used to be her bestfriend and always asked her out but she always said no to his name was jacob.


Its now two years since then and i still dream about her alot, i still get teary eyed just looking at a photo on her facebook. The only time im 100% happy is when we are together in my mind (i know its sad). This whole thing has taken place over the last 5 years. I guess the reason i failed was a mixture of really bad luck and every decision i made was the wrong one.


Sometimes i feel that (without trying to talk myself up) i have too much nobility, and ive paid the price for putting other people before me.


Ive really tried to move on and get her out of my mind, every other girl i have gotten over in the space of a month, but this one jus wont go away. i dont speak to her or anything but it still wont go away.


i havent had a gf in the 5 years as i have struggled with confidence and every girl in those 5 years that i have liked has eventually blown me off. i sometimes wonder if i subconsciously do something to blow my chances because i subconsciously compare every girl to her. Its funny because i still get tempted to try again with her, despite all the pain ive been through.

The concept of human love being that perfect is flawed. Just like human love dies with time and circumstances, does not inspire enough genuine change and personal betterment and so on, hoping for a overwhelming abundance of joy is futile to a point. Yes, you will have that, but from time to time. Life has not time for cheesiness like that.


If I don't strive for it I will certainly never have it. I would rather be a hopeful fool who achieves even partial success than a cynical realist who stays unhappy permanently. It is a choice, and I choose to believe in the power of love.

If I don't strive for it I will certainly never have it. I would rather be a hopeful fool who achieves even partial success than a cynical realist who stays unhappy permanently. It is a choice, and I choose to believe in the power of love.


But "It will happen when you least expect it."




Wow OP, your story is very similar to mine in some ways. But I got over it somehow and doesn't miss the girl I was infatuated with anymore after I've found that she wasn't exactly what I thought she was in my imagination.


Anyway, I believe in those who say the world is a place of abundance


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