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Hey ppl hope every one is doin good!!! Keepin fit eatin healthy etc. etc. etc. I seem to keep on getin into some sitations, see if anybody read my last post they would now the little spot im in but now another element has come into the game.... somebody very close to me (and the girl I like) has been really harsh on her the last couple of weeks... shes said that shes been talikn behind my back and stuff like taht. Now i dont know wether to believe her... she always seems to be tryin to move me away from her an turn me against her, i think that this person might just be holdin a grudge but then again she might be right, im on vacation right now but the second i get back im gonna call the girl i like and im gonna talk with her if wat this person is sayin is true... do u ppl think its the right thing to do??????


If someone is trying to back stab you, the one thing I would not do is confront them until I was sure. I'd watch out for it, act like it did not bother me and I was totally unaware, and then if I caught then, confront tehm and tell them I was one to them and that they should cut the ****. I wouldn't go up and ask, because if they are not you really look insecure and/or paranoid, which is the last way you want to be or appear. Who cares what they say about you anyway?

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