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ok i have been in no contact for 4 weeks except for a few hi's and waves when i see her . a little backround is we dtaed for 3 months and things were super then i had somethings to deal with and she didnt know if i really liked her but i didnt even know.. but i really did love her but when i told her that she said she wasnt ready for a realtionship again.. she has been happy cuz she has lots of guys friends which sucks for but o well ..i have my ups and downs but im going to call her and she if she wants to go out to dinner .. and hopefully try to slowly get close agian .. anyone with any advise let me know Please!!!!!!!! thanks..


hmmm, not sure what to make of this...I'm not someone who would say YES, nor am i leaning towards NO don't all her...


sort of in the middle, Really it's hard because you have already made contact, the hi and the byes, that is contact...right?


Is it anything more than that>?


Or is it just waving to each other, saying Hello during the day, bye to each other, Any phone calling going on, E-mails...?


I'm kind of as lost as you are..But when trying to get her to go out for Dinner, i think would not be such a good idea, Instead do something more casual...say you have an extra ticket for some event. a concert, or something..ask her if she would like to join you, even a movie or lunch somewhere is ok, make sure it's known it's just as friends.


yeah i would just give a wave or simple hi if i seen her i really dont have much of a choice since we go to the same college.... yeah and i might just ask her to go to a game or something...i hope she will give me a chance!!!!

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