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Signs she wants to end things?


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Hi "Wiz"

Are you in this situation now?


If so, you really, really need to talk to her about it. Ask point blank, and tell her why you've been feeling this way. It could be that there is something else completely on her mind, and she just hasn't opened up about it.

Give her the chance!



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Hi "Wiz"

Are you in this situation now?


If so, you really, really need to talk to her about it. Ask point blank, and tell her why you've been feeling this way. It could be that there is something else completely on her mind, and she just hasn't opened up about it.

Give her the chance!




I'm not seeing her again to early next week and I can't stop thinking about her. It's really killing me. I want to make sure things are alright between us but I just don't know.


When I'm with her she isn't rude or bitter towards me. It's just that she doesn't have much to say but seems to be fine talking with her roommates. That may be because she has known them longer than me but I feel that if I am getting together with her, she should make some effort. When we go out alone, things are a lot better. Maybe I need to get her out of her apartment more often. As for being physical: we haven't really done much in the last two weeks but we have still cuddled on the sofa or her bed while watching TV and it was her who initiated it.


I feel as if I may be over analyzing the whole situation but it is something that is on my mind almost all the time. :sad:

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My girl had these signs for weeks before ending it on Sunday. We hadn't been intimate since about the end of November/start of December.


I asked her about it and she made excuses like people are downstairs, she was tired and that she was stressed. If she really wanted to be intimate then she would have done it but nothing.


I will now know which signs to look for in relationships for the rest of my life.

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