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Being played for a fool......


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Last week i posted briefly about a guy who had just dumped me, sending me a series of emails (search 'acknowledging the spark')


Anyway, in short, i had been very dignified in my approach to this dumping and he had continued to write to me telling me how awesome i am and the relationship was etc.... well, essentially at present, the last bit of communication was mine - i sent him a text saying that i wanted him to speak to me because i want to know the full story..... well, he has not responded and now tonight i have seen pics of him with the other girl all over facebook (his profile photo too) and i am just about ready to crack................ i have been so dignified and respectful and controlled about the whole thing and now i just want to cut loose...


i want to scream and i want to write and basically tell him exactly what i think of him and go into 'crazy unhinged female' mode... i am sick of being decent about what he has done to me (its more complicated than i have really gone into on here) and want him to know that i have no interest in the damn story now etc.......


urgh.......... i feel like he deliberately ignored me text and now has deliberately used 'that' photo for facebook because he knows i will see it... i really do hate him now...


its amazing how quickly some people can move on and others take years to recover from this type of * * * * ..:sad:

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Erase his number, erase him from you facebook...go out and do new things, stay occupied and have nothing to do with him. Playing stupid games will only end up hurting you but if you don't have to see it then the desired effect won't happen. He seemed petty and immature.

Have nothing to do with him, smile and say hello in passing if you see him but answer no calls, no texts, no emails and don't make any.

Go out with friends, join a group...move on when you're ready.

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