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I can't take my abusive mother anymore


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I live with both of my parents--my father is emotionally abusive and my mother is emotinally and physically abusive


There is nothng I can do to ever make this woman happy. Ever since I was a kid she has bullied me, and physically hit me. Just recently she smacked me accross the face. She gets incredibly defensive and angry all on her own in a discussion and then she lashes out on me. I might say two words and then she strikes me. She stands over me, and asks me a question and if she doesn't like the answer, she smacks me, calls me a " * * * * * " and attempts to hit me with a object


My mother is very controlling, if I ask her to HELP me with something, she pretty mcuh takes over and tries to do the task.


Like for instance, I asked her where the cord was for the laptop, that's all I needed to know from her. After she locates it for me, she stands there, tries to print the research paper out for me etc etc.


I already know how to do all of that so I decided to stand up to her and tell her i know how to do it. This infuriates her and she gets angry and smacks me.


Then she goes into my room bullying me, saying that I am being selfish by going to school--not at all considering her and how she needs my car to go to work in the morning


She smakcs me accross the face and says that I am being manipulative because I am scheming to use her to graduate


I plan on going away to college but it'snot coming soon enough. I don't have any money or any other friends or relatives to stay with. I just need a place to vent because I am very sad and lonely. I am just counting down the days I am out of here. I can't take this woman anymore

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Yes, i think she should be arrested.


In the meantime, do everything in your power to save some money and move out. Try to line up some roommates..


I couldn't imagine living with my mother at 23. I left the minute i turned 18 for many of the same reasons you speak of in your opening post. I found a friend who had a really cheap apt and moved in with her.

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Try the women and children's shelter. It's name makes you think it's only for those two, but really they will probably help you out as well. Regardless of the fact that she's your mother, it's still an abusive relationship. They tend to sympathize with all abuse victims, not just the women and children. If nothing else, request they give you the information you need to get back onto your feet outside of the confines of your mother's home.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi. My mother is mentally ill and very emotionally abusive. I lived with my parents until i was 20, mainly like you, because they were paying for college and i figured i would have a better way of going on my own with a degree. but you do have to get out. i know it's a hard time to find a job, but find a part-time job and find some roommates. when i moved out, i lived in a house with a sinking floor, but it was wonderful to come home every night to my friends and not to the woman who was driving me crazy. you have to take care of yourself.

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Please, do yourself a favour and get out of there. This woman has obviously no feelings for you, or not sufficiently positive feelings for you, even though she is your mother. She probably has so many problems and frustrations, that she is incapable to love you the way you would expect a mother to love her child.


EVERY DAY you take her b**ll will damage your self-esteem. I do perfectly understand you because my mother is very emotionally abusive with me.


Make good friends, stay away from abusive people, and don't allow her to isolate you from the people who love you and appreciate you. My mother criticizes all and everyone of my friends to death and when I was young, I have abandoned all my good friends because of her. But I discovered her trick now.


She also isolated me from my boyfriends and brainwashed me until I abandon them. She would do any crazy thing, even become hysterical, for my boyfriends to leave me, not only her, but all my aunts and cousins too! Almost my whole family are a bunch of envious, jealous, frustrated psychos!


I went once, as a joke, to see a clairvoyant and I asked her what to do about my "great" family and when she pulled a card, she sighed loudly and made a really scary face:shocked!: as she told me : "Leave them forever and never look back." She seemed really concerned, man! I did not listen to her because I did not take her seriously, but now I realize she was 100% right.


Your mother is abusive and is committing crimes against you (physical abuse). Why would you stay by her side? If you had a friend who's dad rapes her 2 or 3 times a week, what would you tell her? To get out of there asap. Your mother's physical abuse is like rape, a violation of your physical integrity and emotionall well being. Think about it.


If you find it really difficult to leave, because your mother has probably already engaged in manipulative behaviour in order to make you depend emotionally on her, then go see a therapist. Do anything to free yourself, before it's too late. You'll meet good friends, don't worry. Apparently, the children of the narcissist are caring people who know the importance of good relationships with others and who have a good capacity to be happy in life.

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