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hey all.....


ok, so after every time my gf and i make out and what not she usually gets off or so i think. she usually grinds on me for a bit, and i finger her, and i go down on her..... and then afterwards, when cuddling and all that jazz, she says (nearly everytime) that her eyelids won't stop blinking.....its like they are spasming uncontrollably....so is this a sign that she has definatly gotten off, and that she has had an orgasm (perhaps multiple) and the eyelid thing is and afterglow affect?




just wondering,



Oh my...it could be a spontaneous after affect to her orgasm. I've never been in a situation like that, but I do have times in which my eyelids do spasm.

(Just an interesting side note kinda relating to the eyelid spasm, there's a Chinese superstition about that actually:

if your lids spasm, it's either someone's talking about you, or bad luck. Just like when you sneeze, superstition goes...someone's thinking about you. It's interesting, try it out next time when you're thinking about someone. Sometimes when I'm thinking about a classmate, he/she will start sneezing).


I don't know, but yah, it's happened to me before, but not in the case of an orgasm.


i guess it could be that.

its like do you know when you go down on your girl, and possibly the stimulation is a little too high, her mouths open but she cant say anything....basically..... you ever had it she grabs onto the bed or someone to restrain herself well i guess that kinda come in there (its a reflex to whats happening). or possibly, i cant see it as a negative though. your doing something right!


i think or infact i dont know if thats on par with what your asking, just an opinion.



It could be fom her tensing up during the oral sex/fingering and either forgetting to blink, or squeezing her eyes too hard. If she's not blinking cause of the mind-numbing loving you're giving her her eyes could dry out and make her blink. Or if she's just so into it she's squeezing her eyes tight and it may cause her to flutter her eyelids.


Either way I think you can interpret it as a sign that she had a great time.

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