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I can't stop gaining weight!!!

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I don't know what is happening. I didn't eat or drink anything and I weighed myself and I gained a pound. I don't know what to do, I am at a loss. I exercise and eat right, and these past 3 weeks I have been counting calories, eating less than 1100 per day!! Still I am gaining weight. What should I do... is this even possible?

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I don't know what is happening. I didn't eat or drink anything and I weighed myself and I gained a pound. I don't know what to do, I am at a loss. I exercise and eat right, and these past 3 weeks I have been counting calories, eating less than 1100 per day!! Still I am gaining weight. What should I do... is this even possible?


Eating 1100 calories per day is NOT eating right.


Your body is going into starvation mode. It's holding onto each and every one of those 1100 calories.


Weight fluctuations are normal. Freaking out about one pound gain is not.


Please seek professional help.



Former eating disordered young woman

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could be water weight.


it's most likely your diet. what are you eating and drinking? there could be hidden calories. but it's also just one pound. after a month you could put on a pound of muscle from strength training. what type of workouts do you do? i also don't think 3 weeks is long enough to see much results

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yep, that 1100 is getting held onto by your body. after a while, you will look like you don't eat. my weight fluctuates between 5 lbs daily. i don't weigh myself unless i'm in a doctor's office. i go by the way i look and not my scale weight. perhaps you are putting on muscle.

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I exercise and eat right, and these past 3 weeks I have been counting calories, eating less than 1100 per day!!


That's your reason. You are entering starvation mode and destroying your metabolism. Now your body will hold on to fat and calories more than ever, because it is afraid it will starve. It's a survival mechanism built in to the human body.


You should really speak to a nutritionist to develop an eating plan that will make you lose fat and be fit, without starving yourself.

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I don't know what is happening. I didn't eat or drink anything and I weighed myself and I gained a pound. I don't know what to do, I am at a loss. I exercise and eat right, and these past 3 weeks I have been counting calories, eating less than 1100 per day!! Still I am gaining weight. What should I do... is this even possible?


have your thyroid checked.

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A pound is trivial. Not to be gross, but it could be affected by when you used the bathroom last.


If you are going to weigh yourself- you should do so first thing in the morning on an empty stomach- only weigh yourself once a week, on the same day each week (i.e. every Monday morning, etc).


Your current method of trying to lose weight is not going to work and is very unhealthy. You should really talk to your doctor or to a nutritionist.


What is your height and how much do you currently weigh?

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My doctor recommends a 1100-1500 calorie diet, to be honest. I had gained a ton of weight from a medication I was taking and she recommends keeping my caloric intake very low.


But one pound is sort of nothing to worry about. Our bodies fluctuate all the time. Bathroom, period weight, water weight, the scale, the clothes you have on when you weigh...

If it were like 5-10+ pounds you should worry. But not now.

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Yes I do need too. I am just so upset that all of my efforts are not working. I used to overeat alot and to tell you the truth the only time I was skinny was when I was bulimic. I am just trying to find another way to get to a healthy weight and be happy. It isn't just 1 pound It is that I have been doing all this work and I gained 1 pound. Despite all my efforts and everything I have tried. And now I find myself taking laxatives and doing a water fast... I know I am out of control but i have no idea what to do when the only thing I care about is the end result.

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I agree with the above posters. You are eating so few calories that your metabolism is slowing down and using fewer calories. Try eating some more.


There are some great tools online that let you put in your weight and hieght and then tell you how many calories you should be eating a day based on goals of wanting to lose a pound or two a week. (That is the best amount to lose a pound to a pound and a ahalf a week). You might try one of them.

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i suspect you still have an obsessive eating disorder. if you were suffering from bulimia then its very possible this is something like anorexia. the low calories and exercise regimen, the irrational embarrassment over your weight saying people on here will 'laugh' at you (when they really won't we are a support community forum thing), and the obsession and panic you face when the scale reads one pound off after a few hours.. all classic signs that you need to seek some form of therapy.


i doubt i am wrong in my assumption.

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>>1 lb in 6 hours.


Why are you weighing yourself every 6 hours? It is medically impossible to gain a pound in 6 hours unless you drank a pint of something (one pint...2 cups of liquid weighs a pound), or ate something that weighed a pound (like a bowl of cereal plus milk).


That is not fat you are gaining, just water weight or the weight of what is in your stomach (which will not correlate one to one with fat being put on).


Also, if you eat salt, it will cause you body to retain more water. So it is not true fat being put on, just water weight.


What you need to do is get a book on how nutrition works, and not obsess about a pound. It is very common for the weight to fluctuate 2 or 3 pounds a day depending on what you ate that day, how much water weight retained by salt or hormones, what's in your intestinal tract etc.


So don't stress about one pound, and make sure your body is getting nourished properly and you're not obssesing about food/weight.


If you have been bulimic, you most likely need counseling to address your body image issues and to stop a very dangerous habit.

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