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Alright, I'm doing no contact, i'm avoiding places we went together, things we had in common, thinking about the bad times when I think of her and none of this is helping. This woman rules my brain and there is nothing I can do about it. I lay awake at night thinking of what could have been. Brief resume; 4.5 yrs living together, i couldn't/didn't commit, she moved 2000 miles away to be back with family, 4 mos later shes with a rebound guy. I thought I was doing okay but Valentines Day really sucked, more so cuz our 5 yr anni would have been the 13th. This last week has been HELL! If anyone has any idea's, comments, brainstorms, opinions, voodoo spells, wutever please let me know cuz this is no way to live.


If you give it some time, it might get better. But unless you want to go campaign to get her back, i.e. tell her you are ready to committ, stick with what you are doing and try to stay busy.


Have you tried talking to her? Tried telling her how you feel? Everything works out for the long run. Thats what they all tell me here, and it usually does. I wish you trhe best.


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