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Getting healthy and losing a few kilos..


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Hey guys,


I've just been so gross recently in eating, not exercising and I'm now starting to think it's time for a concerted effort to get healthy. I'm not overweight by any stretch, but would like to be just 1-2 kilos lighter and A LOT healthier.


Any tips that helped you guys when trying to curb eating habits and start exercising more.. other than the obvious, eat less, exercise more (which I am going to start doing as off next week (this wk is xmas festivities))?! Any motivation tips - as this is my big problem, getting motivated, sticking to it etc...??



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I find that I eat healthier when I cook my own food, because I can actually see how much salt/fat I'm putting in there. It's much easier to eat a lot of take out when you don't see what goes in there. I also enjoy cooking so it might be harder for you if you don't like cooking.


When I have a craving for sweets or junky (ie chips), I eat a little bit like say 1 small pack of candy or a few pieces of chips (or split with friends). After those initial bits, I stop wanting to eat anymore. IF I do want more though, I distract myself. Usually by the time I'm done distracting myself, I don't want it anymore.


If my sweet tooth craving isn't that bed, I eat fruits.


Motivational tips...hmm....

for me, its all mental. I have pretty good will power so usually my head can beat out my stomach. Also, I'm tight on money so I usually tell myself "You don't need that. That's 2 dollars there already. That's busfare!" I end up listening to myself. Oh, I realize that I share a lot. If I ever want something unhealthy, I find someone to share it with (ie a friend or family).


I'll add more if I think of something, but I must return to writing up my final exam.


Edit: I brush my teeth if I get hungry or have a craving at night. After I brush my teeth, I'm too lazy to do it again until morning. lol. It's a game of how lazy am I.

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I find that I eat healthier when I cook my own food

I never thought of it that way. It's true for me as well. Not to mention the first decision making process is when you go purchase groceries. This step would usually filter out most junk/unhealthy foods from entering my basket.


I'll add more if I think of something, but I must return to writing up my final exam.


Good luck with your final exam.

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  • 3 months later...

I am a personal trainer so I can help you with this one. Get a book called the paleo diet, its talks about how we should be eating like the caveman. He had no bread, rice, salt, dairy or refined sugar.


So basially you can eat eggs, lean meat and lots of fruits and vegetables. That what I eat, and it actually helped me with my mood (Bi polar) on top of that you get really lean and you feel much better cause you are pure. If you want more info on that and on exercising then let me know, but you have to get the diet down before anything else.

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