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Where has the time gone?


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So, I just realised today that I have one month left to enjoy the first quarter of my life for the last time. I am so and at the same time.


I wonder what the second quarter will bring. I know it will be a time when I will live the most - I will get married, go through major changes in my job, buy/own a house, have kids, travel the world, have grandkids, etc. and it's so hard to believe that may all happen before I hit the third quarter.


Wow. Maybe I'm just being silly for thinking this way. Does anyone else reflect on their life like this when they are getting older? Or am I crazy?

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Yes, I think a lot of people reflect on their life...which is why many people go through mid life crises in their 40's and 50's. When you are hitting 25 you know that you have all kinds of accomplishments to look forward to...when you hit your 40's and 50's some people look back and are disappointed with what they have done or are bored. So it sounds like your birthday is very close to Christmas...how has that worked for you with regards to celebrating your birthday?

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Yup, I'm a Xmas baby.

I think it's kind of fun having a birthday during all this hustle and bustle and a lot of people tend to remember my birthday because it falls on a holiday, so one good thing is that I'm not easily forgettable.

The number 25 is a scary number for me right now and to be honest, I do feel like I'm having an early life crisis (of course this is common before every birthday in my 20s). I can only imagine it would get worse as I get older.

Well, I have no one to blame but myself for feeling this way. Hopefully it will pass and things will start to look up for me. I just have strange ways of counting down to dreadful things like this...I can't believe I'm less than a month away now.

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I had a harder time with turning 25 than I did with 30. I was less settled then, having just come out of a rocky graduate program that made me question my career choice. Five years made a heck of a difference--as education and work are my priorities, by that time I'd finished my terminal degree and I knew I would be set to care for myself well intellectually and financially. It felt good knowing I'd crossed an important milestone, something that kept me going through uncertainty. Those milestones don't have to be so huge as finishing a degree, but just anything that is stimulating and interesting and adds to you as a person.


There's something psychologically freaky about the term "century" as well, suggesting accumulation over accomplishment, and I had to get it out of my head that I was a "quarter-century" old. Once I did, the feeling of dread went away.


Hopefully it will pass for you too as you garner new experiences. The next quarter of your life may very well be some of the best years--as I always say, you are still young enough to cut loose and have fun, but have accumulated the smarts and experience to be wise about it. I hope for you that it will be a great time.

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