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My bf asked me to write him a poem a while ago - he has read previous ones and liked them - but I couldn't write one on the spot. So i've been working on one, trying to get it done in time for his birthday (tomorrow!!). This is just the rough draft but if the one you loved wrote this for you, would you like it?




The shape of your nose

The way your eyelashes curl

Even all the hair your body grows

It's everything about you


When you make me laugh

When you take my hand

Even when you wink at me

It's everything about you


Your kisses leave me breathless

I always shiver beneath your sweet caress

You have a way of easing my mind

My dreams are peaceful when we are intertwined


My thoughts are never far from you

My heart has decided

To you it shall always be true

I dream of the future

More than I ever used to

It's all because of you

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