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Hi, I'm new to the forum and have pretty much spent the day reading different people's predicaments.

About my situation, I dated this guy for about a year and half that has pretty much cut me off after an argument we had. I felt that it was just a phase he was going through, as we have resolved other disputes before. However, he didn't answer my calls or texts. I didn't call/text excessively because I didn't want to seem desperate. It hurt also because his birthday was a few weeks ago and i didn't hear from him. I was hoping that he would want to spend it with me.

After 2 weeks of NC, I sent him an e-mail sharing how i felt about the situation. No response. I can take a hint and work through this break-up except for one thing: we have a weekend vacation that I already paid for in 2 weeks. I e-mailed him and told him he could at least be courteous and let me know if he still planned on going. He texted me back and said, "I currently am not planning on going to Vegas." I was just crushed. I don't see how he could be so angry with me over such a petty argument. Idon't see how he could change his mind. Unfortunately, there are no refunds with just 2 weeks left, believe me, I've already tried. So basicallly, i'm left heartbroken and a hole in my wallet. I sent him another e-mail saying that he should pay for his portion of the trip if he isn't going. Of course, no response.

I just don't know what to do. I feel I could work with the grieving process, but this trip is in the way. What's worse is that I'll have to face my cousins in Vegas with their significant others, and I'm dateless and crushed. Just like others I feel like there is no one else that will come along that will make me feel the way he did during the good times. I want this pain to go away and to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know he probably threw away a good thing...i just want him to realize it. Any advice or success stories of how people are happy again after their break-ups would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Are you kidding me? This trip is coming at a PERFECT time! Surely there is a close girlfriend that can go with you, yes? Even if there isn't, get your butt to Vegas, and dance the nights away. I couldn't think of a better time for this to happen than right before you're going on a fun vacation!

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i didn't realize i would get such quick responses..thanks.


I am still gonna go. What makes me sad though is thinking about all the stuff we said we wanted to do while we were there. If I were going with single girlfriends, it would be a different answer. This trip was kind of planned as a 'family-cousin trip' and I invited him to go cuz I thought it would be fun to do the 'couple'thing. I don't plan on telling my cousins what happened between us, i just feel a little humiliated. So i was planning on saying that his g-ma died and he can't come. A weird twist of fate(if you want to call it that), I found out his g-ma past away yesterday. So i guess it wouldn't really be a lie.

I am gonna make the most of this trip without him there. I just wish he never agreed to go in the first place. I feel like I can't start the healing process until this trip is over.

Thanks again for your help It is VERY much appreciated!

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Mia, don't tell your cousins that his Gma died. Tell the truth. Lying, unless its par for the course in your world, is giving it way too much power and controlling you to do something you wouldn't otherwise do.


Tell your cousins. There is nothing humiliating about breaking up. It happens TO EVERYONE. Perhaps your cousins will help you and plan fantastic times while you are there. There is no judgement to be doled out from breaking up. Especially amongst family.

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