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My ex from 2 years ago have been keeping in touch with as friends, long distance and mostly email and IM.


He has a girlfriend of 2 years. I have been dating different guys.


I broke up recently with a guy and have been emailing my ex and talking to him as well. I was on/off with the most recent guy cos we have feelings for each other.


My ex was on vacation with his GF and we have been corresponding back and forth about his vacation and I was happy for him.


Then one day, I was telling him I went back together with my BF, he started acting weird and ask me question like "Does he have a bigger * * * * then me?", "Is he good in bed?", and when I ask him why he is asking these questions, he said he is drunk.


Then all of a sudden he cut contact with me without saying anything, the last email was about his trip to the mountains and then all of a sudden dropped off from the face of the earth.


I emailed him asking him if he returned him, no response, I asked if all is ok, no response, finally I emailed him and ask what is going on and I deserve to know the truth why he is not communicating with me...


he then said, he need a break from me cos he doesn't want to deal with my drama (there is no drama, I am only talking to him about my relationship and what I am going thru, I am not dragging him into it at all, I am treating him as a good friend), he then said I have severe abandonment issues, and then he went on to say he is going thru * * * * himslef and doesn't want to deal with me and taking a break from me...


Does he still have lingering feelings for me that he can't deal with and thereforee can't be friends with me and listen to my guy problems? So he just cut contact totally and stopped all communication all of a sudden?

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It's difficult to say for sure but from what you had described I would assume there are some feelings involved there. If he finds himself uncomfortable hearing news about you and your boyfriend to the point of cutting you off then what I think he is doing is in a way protecting himself from getting hurt since he knows that some feelings are starting to get stirred up again. I think he may still think about you from time to time and he is definitely not over you 100% as if he was he would take the news openly and even if he didn't want to hear it or deal with it he wouldn't just cut you off or blow up.

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