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Trying to figure out...


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Hi, I have had a huge crush for this guy at work for the last year. I know he is married and just had a 2nd baby so nothing can happen between us, but wish I could be friends with him. We dont work closely together but when I see him now and then he's always been very friendly and funny and a bit flirty - I get a very good vibe from him. However my heart skips a beat and I feel nervous every time I see him, so I tend to ignore him during work hours (despire the fact that I am always aware of where he is etc). He even jokingly said I am ignoring him...now it seems like he is ignoring me and i feel really bad. He is a nice guy and I wish I could be normal and friendly with him. His change in sttitude is surprising because he's always been so nice...should I just let it go and move on with life, or try talking to him next time I see him (I feel like avoiding him all the time now it hurts alot to be ignored)....pls advise!


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you don't need to be his friend. you just want to get closer. let it go.


let me toss in the red flags for you:


-it's at work

-he's married


This is all there is too it. I just stopped dating someone at work and it makes things very ackward if it ends bad. i highly recommend letting it go for work purposes and the fact he has a family. Even trying to be his friend could lead to misinterpreted intentions.

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