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I'm slowly learning to become more observant of


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people, especially what people say or do. But I fail to make funny comments or opinions in response. I'm not trying to be the person who has an answer for everything, but there are many people who have & share many opinions about the most important things to the minute.


Example: A classmate made this weird "uuhhhHOOOMM" throat noise, and the dude sitting next to me whispered in this girl's ear "Bigfoot's in the house" which I thought was mean, BUT it made her laugh. So, points for him. I didn't make a response because I was busy with my classwork.


So can anyone tell me what's the best way to have an opinion about just "anything?" Is there a pattern I should use? What types of opinions about various safe issues are there? Thanks!!

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I usually strongly disagree with whoever I'm talking to. Then if they get offended I tell them that it's probably because I'm much smarter than they are.


Seriously, though- if you're discussing something you don't have to have an opinion. Just ask the person you're talking to what they think. Most people love to talk about themselves- if you're a good listener that's really almost as good as being witty or funny.

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Haha, that guy sounded like he had a bit of rapport with the girl he made the comment to. In uni, I've made comments like when a picture of a guy with some jaw problem 'that guy's got a real big grimace!' . Most people were in their serious listening mode, but one of my friends [girl] laughed, and we do share a lot of the same humour.


So u were talkin about funny comments or opinions. Maybe you could think about the things that make you laugh, and then observe it in the world around you, and make a quick remark to someone next to you. Be warned though! The person you say it to may not relate. But at least it gives you practice, and you'll be more experienced in finding common humours and opinions the next time round!


Eg. Situation: young, but mature-age female uni student walks past - to male buddy: 'Oh oh, my grandpa's ex-girlfriend just walked past!'

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I don't see how guys like that can go around and make the corniest jokes/comments ever, and get laughs. As a guy, and a person with an ounce of self respect, I could not say anything near to what you guys have planned for this improv comedy. I would honestly be more embarrassed making up corny lines and using them, even if they got results.


I say if humor is not your strong suit, then don't try and make it. Sure, girls like funny guys, but not everyone's a comedian. You just have to find a girl that doesn't mind to be serious once in a while.

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  • 10 months later...

Humour in the moments that only make sense to your special ones, but sound corny to everyone else.


I can see how it happens . And if your humour is not your strong suit, I reckon try, try again, and then you'll be wingin' it in no time, lol Practice makes perfect.


But don't watch Family Guy. They are callous. Something like Desperate Housewives has better humour, subtle hits of laughter here and there

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when I think the image of myself I'm projecting on a particular day might be humorless and downtrodden, I find caffeine helps me belt out some good ones. As for getting humor from shows, I don't think it matters what you watch. a lot of people watch FG and a lot of people watch DHW, belt out something all those people recognize and relate to will get you a laugh, ie, on the topic of a crappy female prof: DIE VILE WOMAN, (dont say it within earshot of her of course) some classic stewie griffin. and remember, dont be the guy who sounds like he's trying to sound funny, you probably do get laughs but just notice other peoples wit more than your own. with 8 billion other people out there to compare yourself to you might feel 8 billion times less funny than the rest of the world

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I don't see how guys like that can go around and make the corniest jokes/comments ever, and get laughs. As a guy, and a person with an ounce of self respect, I could not say anything near to what you guys have planned for this improv comedy. I would honestly be more embarrassed making up corny lines and using them, even if they got results.


I say if humor is not your strong suit, then don't try and make it. Sure, girls like funny guys, but not everyone's a comedian. You just have to find a girl that doesn't mind to be serious once in a while.


ahaha... i was thinking the same thing. those jokes are lame. i'd laugh, but only out of politeness... or because it's so bad. but humour and wittiness could be improved. you just have to practice a lot. being around witty people help too. you just have to train yourself to think that way quicker.



watch who's line is it anyway.

no family guy jokes. omg, makes me wanna KILL.

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