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6 miles in 6 weeks (yikes!)

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I needed motivation to start running again. And boy did I ever get handed some motivation!!! My friend has asked me to join her in a marathon... I need to be able to run 6 miles in 6 weeks. The most I've ever run is 2.5 miles.... I'm so nervous that I won't be able to do it! I haven't run since summer of '07, I am SO out of shape. I don't know how to train for something like this. Does anyone have any good advice? Help me please!!

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Do uphill runs, this will really strengthen you fast and you won't run the risk of an injury as much. Take a minimum of 1 day off a week. I ran 30-50 mile weeks when I was a runner and varied my runs. Mostly though we did 6 mile runs daily.


Start with walk runs, get into the gym and do some bike work. My vet is a ultra marathoner and he is over 60, he does his in the mountains of Colorado. He uses the bike work to keep from over training and injury.


Post your progress, buy a Runner's World mag, it's great for inspiration.


Nothing and I do mean nothing, will put a spring in your step and drop weight faster than an intense running program. Women runner's legs are "hot"

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Have you ever visited lifehacker? It's a great website. They have a couch to 5k program on their site. You might want to try to go to the site or google it. I have been wanting to try the workout but I haven't yet had time.


It's a little ambitious, but it might help you get some direction. If you think it's too much, there are few links to less fast-paced programs in the comments section. Any of these is a good model for how you should train yourself to run.


A friend of mine has tried several of the exercise programs on lifehacker and he's had a lot of luck. He just recently completed the 100 pushups program. I hope this works for you!

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hehe you're cute




and to the chickidee, go to the smartcoach personalized training program!





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haha honestly i didnt get it, i was like even a person severely over weight could do that... but anyways yeah just start running get a good weight training program and some good shoes and your set. (eating healthy is important too)

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