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Should I send her an email just to say hi?

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Been broken up for about 2 months, NC since Aug 17th. We both agreed It would be best to call her when I'm done with my therapy at the end of August. Would it hurt to send an email just to ask how things are going? or would it be best to stick to the deal and go NC.

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Focus on your therapy and stick to your word, even if it cripples you to do so. The therapy is the most important thing (I know this as I'm doing the same thing myself - with no desire from my ex to hear from me about it/at the end of it). I'm going to do it as long as it takes

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OK I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I've come to the conclusion that I don't want to talk to her at all even after therapy is done. Should I just never call and leave her hanging or should I send a farewell message. Closure might be good here?

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Well I found out she lied about this "guy" who she says she barely sees (hes her rebound). They went out while we were still dating. Anyways so a mutual friend tags her on facebook and they were at a club dancing together. Anyways I need to move on, but should i just leave her hanging or no? I did say I'd call later on in a few months. I am totally over this, if she did respond it wouldnt have any sort of negative effect on me.

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