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A mix for the boyfriend- FOR MY BIRTHDAY! <3


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I'm making a mix titled "Bacon Flavored Toothpicks" for my boyfriend, and I plan on giving it to him on my birthday.


I'm having trouble with the order that it should go into, but I have a few "Defs" on what's next to what, and where. Perhaps you can help, and suggest a few songs of your own!

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Just generally goofy songs that are kinda cute.


Other songs remind me of him- Pretty Fly, being one of them.


But really, I'm more focused on just it being a mix that is really kinda cute but for the most part cute.


he's a huge metal head- and I'm an indie kid.

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ooh metal head eh? my forte. what kind of metal?


He's like REALLY into like... Well all metal. He really likes Necrophagist and Children of Bodom, and GWAR, and Crotchduster. Like, the music he listens to is really weird to me. Like.. GAH, I wish I could tell you what he REALLY likes, but he just likes everything, honestly. Like, he sent me some Gothenburg metal. And weird things like that.


I dont know, exactly, but he just likes alot of it. And all of it.

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